# Functionality: On Game page "mconnect" events => send lastate to them (because they have the game infos) or just "your turn" - if their turn remember them to send next "newmove" (or just "it's your turn") later - if not their turn (=> listen for "mdisconnect" as well) From MyGames page: send "mconnect" to all online players (me included: potential multi-tabs) When quit, send mdisconnect (relayed by server if no other MyGames tab). And remove current "notify through newmove" on server in sockets.js Analyse mode when launched from a position: should keep orientation --> $route query param, "side=w or b" # Misc: Saw once a "double challenge" bug, one anonymous and a second one logged Both were asked a challenge probably, and both challenges added as different ones. # New variants 8-pieces https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ8K02Da7Ps&list=PLRyjH8DPuzTBiym6lA0r84P8N0HnTtZyN&index=6&t=0s https://www.chessvariants.com/rules/8-piece-chess Eightpieces : non-symmetric Sym8pieces : symmetric (960) + Maxima, Interweave, Roccoco, Dynamo, Synchrone, Cannibal (force captures)