% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/discardSimilarModels.R \name{discardSimilarModels_EMGrank} \alias{discardSimilarModels_EMGrank} \title{Discard models which have the same relevant variables - for Lasso-rank procedure (focus on columns)} \usage{ discardSimilarModels_EMGrank(B1, rho, pi) } \arguments{ \item{B1}{array of relevant coefficients (of size p*m*length(gridlambda))} \item{rho}{covariance matrix} \item{pi}{weight parameters} } \value{ a list with B1, in, rho, pi } \description{ Discard models which have the same relevant variables - for Lasso-rank procedure (focus on columns) }