% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/gridLambda.R \name{gridLambda} \alias{gridLambda} \title{Construct the data-driven grid for the regularization parameters used for the Lasso estimator} \usage{ gridLambda(phiInit, rhoInit, piInit, gamInit, X, Y, gamma, mini, maxi, tau) } \arguments{ \item{phiInit}{value for phi} \item{piInit}{value for pi} \item{gamInit}{value for gamma} \item{mini}{minimum number of iterations in EM algorithm} \item{maxi}{maximum number of iterations in EM algorithm} \item{tau}{threshold to stop EM algorithm} \item{rhoInt}{value for rho} } \value{ the grid of regularization parameters } \description{ Construct the data-driven grid for the regularization parameters used for the Lasso estimator }