Valse = setRefClass( Class = "Valse", fields = c( # User defined # regression data (size n*p, where n is the number of observations, # and p is the number of regressors) X = "numeric", # response data (size n*m, where n is the number of observations, # and m is the number of responses) Y = "numeric", # Optionally user defined (some default values) # power in the penalty gamma = "double", # minimum number of iterations for EM algorithm mini = "integer", # maximum number of iterations for EM algorithm maxi = "integer", # threshold for stopping EM algorithm eps = "double", # minimum number of components in the mixture kmin = "integer", # maximum number of components in the mixture kmax = "integer", rangmin = "integer", rangmax = "integer", # Computed through the workflow # initialisation for the reparametrized conditional mean parameter phiInit, # initialisation for the reparametrized variance parameter rhoInit, # initialisation for the proportions piInit, # initialisation for the allocations probabilities in each component tauInit, # values for the regularization parameter grid gridLambda = c(), # je ne crois pas vraiment qu'il faille les mettre en sortie, d'autant plus qu'on construit # une matrice A1 et A2 pour chaque k, et elles sont grandes, donc ca coute un peu cher ... A1, A2, # collection of estimations for the reparametrized conditional mean parameters Phi, # collection of estimations for the reparametrized variance parameters Rho, # collection of estimations for the proportions parameters Pi, #immutable seuil = 1e-15 ), methods = list( ####################### #initialize main object ####################### initialize = function(X,Y,...) { "Initialize Valse object" callSuper(...) X <<- X Y <<- Y gamma <<- ifelse (hasArg("gamma"), gamma, 1.) mini <<- ifelse (hasArg("mini"), mini, as.integer(5)) maxi <<- ifelse (hasArg("maxi"), maxi, as.integer(10)) eps <<- ifelse (hasArg("eps"), eps, 1e-6) kmin <<- ifelse (hasArg("kmin"), kmin, as.integer(2)) kmax <<- ifelse (hasArg("kmax"), kmax, as.integer(3)) rangmin <<- ifelse (hasArg("rangmin"), rangmin, as.integer(2)) rangmax <<- ifelse (hasArg("rangmax"), rangmax, as.integer(3)) }, ################################## #core workflow: compute all models ################################## initParameters = function(k) { "Parameters initialization" #smallEM initializes parameters by k-means and regression model in each component, #doing this 20 times, and keeping the values maximizing the likelihood after 10 #iterations of the EM algorithm. init = initSmallEM(k,X,Y,eps) phiInit <<- init$phi0 rhoInit <<- init$rho0 piInit <<- init$pi0 tauInit <<- init$tau0 }, computeGridLambda = function() { "computation of the regularization grid" #(according to explicit formula given by EM algorithm) gridLambda <<- gridLambda(phiInit,rhoInit,piInit,tauInit,X,Y,gamma,mini,maxi,eps) }, computeRelevantParameters = function() { "Compute relevant parameters" #select variables according to each regularization parameter #from the grid: A1 corresponding to selected variables, and #A2 corresponding to unselected variables. params = selectiontotale( phiInit,rhoInit,piInit,tauInit,mini,maxi,gamma,gridLambda,X,Y,seuil,eps) A1 <<- params$A1 A2 <<- params$A2 Rho <<- params$Rho Pi <<- params$Pi }, runProcedure1 = function() { "Run procedure 1 [EMGLLF]" #compute parameter estimations, with the Maximum Likelihood #Estimator, restricted on selected variables. return ( constructionModelesLassoMLE( phiInit,rhoInit,piInit,tauInit,mini,maxi,gamma,gridLambda,X,Y,seuil,eps,A1,A2) ) }, runProcedure2 = function() { "Run procedure 2 [EMGrank]" #compute parameter estimations, with the Low Rank #Estimator, restricted on selected variables. return ( constructionModelesLassoRank(Pi,Rho,mini,maxi,X,Y,eps, A1,rangmin,rangmax) ) }, run = function() { "main loop: over all k and all lambda" # Run the all procedure, 1 with the #maximum likelihood refitting, and 2 with the Low Rank refitting. p = dim(phiInit)[1] m = dim(phiInit)[2] for (k in kmin:kmax) { print(k) initParameters(k) computeGridLambda() computeRelevantParameters() if (procedure == 1) { r1 = runProcedure1() Phi2 = Phi Rho2 = Rho Pi2 = Pi p = ncol(X) m = ncol(Y) if size(Phi2) == 0 { Phi[,,1:k] = r1$phi Rho[,,1:k] = r1$rho Pi[1:k,] = r1$pi } else { Phi = array(0., dim=c(p,m,kmax,dim(Phi2)[4]+dim(r1$phi)[4])) Phi[,,1:(dim(Phi2)[3]),1:(dim(Phi2)[4])] = Phi2 Phi[,,1:k,dim(Phi2)[4]+1] = r1$phi Rho = array(0., dim=c(m,m,kmax,dim(Rho2)[4]+dim(r1$rho)[4])) Rho[,,1:(dim(Rho2)[3]),1:(dim(Rho2)[4])] = Rho2 Rho[,,1:k,dim(Rho2)[4]+1] = r1$rho Pi = array(0., dim=c(kmax,dim(Pi2)[2]+dim(r1$pi)[2])) Pi[1:nrow(Pi2),1:ncol(Pi2)] = Pi2 Pi[1:k,ncol(Pi2)+1] = r1$pi } } else { phi = runProcedure2()$phi Phi2 = Phi if (dim(Phi2)[1] == 0) { Phi(:,:,1:k,:) = phi } else { size(Phi2) Phi = zeros(p,m,kmax,size(Phi2,4)+size(phi,4)) size(Phi) Phi(:,:,1:size(Phi2,3),1:size(Phi2,4)) = Phi2 Phi(:,:,1:k,size(Phi2,4)+1:end) = phi } } } } ################################################## #TODO: pruning: select only one (or a few best ?!) model ################################################## # # function[model] selectModel( # #TODO # #model = odel(...) # end ) )