update the model selection step. Beginning for the plots
[valse.git] / reports / bazar Emilie / recomp.m
1 ychap=zeros(n,m,k,94);
2 %Ychap=zeros(n,m,l,94);
4 for LL=1:10
5 for i=1:n
6 for r=1:2
7 ychap(i,:,r,LL)=x(i,:)*(phitrue(:,:,r,LL)*inv(rhotrue(:,:,r,LL)))';
8 Ychap(i,:,r,LL)=waverec(ychap(i,:,r,LL)',L,'sym4');
9 end
10 end
11 end
12 for i=1:n
13 for r=1:2
14 for LL=1:10
15 RMSE(i,LL,r)=sqrt(sum((donneesC(78:96,i)-Ychap(i,:,r,LL)').^2));
16 end
17 end
18 end
19 LL=88;
20 plot(Ychap(89,:,2,LL),'r')
21 hold on
22 plot(donnees(49:96,89)/100,'b')
23 hold off
26 for LL=1:10
27 Z(LL,:)=principeMAP(Y,X,phiLassoMLE(:,:,:,LL),rhoLassoMLE(:,:,:,LL),piLassoMLE(:,LL),3.14);
28 sum((Z(1:100)==1)+(Z(101:200)==2))
29 end