#!/usr/bin/env python import sys, os, re # Languages mapping as used by markdown/pandoc shortname2language = dict( c='C', cpp='Cpp', f='Fortran', html='HTML', js='JavaScript', r='R', rb='Ruby', pl='Perl', py='Python', sh='Bash', tex='Tex', ) def read(text, argv=sys.argv[3:]): lines = text.splitlines() # First read all include statements for i in range(len(lines)): if lines[i].startswith('#include "'): filename = lines[i].split('"')[1] with open(filename, 'r') as f: include_text = f.read() lines[i] = include_text text = '\n'.join(lines) # Run Mako mako_kwargs = {} for arg in argv: key, value = arg.split('=') mako_kwargs[key] = value try: import mako has_mako = True except ImportError: print('Cannot import mako - mako is not run') has_mako = False if has_mako: from mako.template import Template from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[os.curdir]) # text = text.encode('utf-8') temp = Template(text=text, lookup=lookup, strict_undefined=True) text = temp.render(**mako_kwargs) # Parse the cells lines = text.splitlines() cells = [] inside = None # indicates which type of cell we are inside fullname = None # full language name in code cells for line in lines: if line.startswith('-----'): # New cell, what type? m = re.search(r'-----([a-z0-9-]+)?', line) if m: shortname = m.group(1) if shortname: # Check if code is to be typeset as static # Markdown code (e.g., shortname=py-t) astext = shortname[-2:] == '-t' if astext: # Markdown shortname = shortname[:-2] inside = 'markdown' cells.append(['markdown', 'code', ['\n']]) cells[-1][2].append('```%s\n' % fullname) else: # Code cell if shortname in shortname2language: fullname = shortname2language[shortname] inside = 'codecell' cells.append(['codecell', fullname, []]) else: # Markdown cell inside = 'markdown' cells.append(['markdown', 'text', ['\n']]) else: raise SyntaxError('Wrong syntax of cell delimiter:\n{}' .format(repr(line))) else: # Ordinary line in a cell if inside in ('markdown', 'codecell'): cells[-1][2].append(line) else: raise SyntaxError('line\n {}\nhas no beginning cell delimiter' .format(line)) # Merge the lines in each cell to a string for i in range(len(cells)): if cells[i][0] == 'markdown' and cells[i][1] == 'code': # Add an ending ``` of code cells[i][2].append('```\n') cells[i][2] = '\n'.join(cells[i][2]) return cells def write(cells): """Turn cells list into valid IPython notebook code.""" # Use Jupyter nbformat functionality for writing the notebook from nbformat.v4 import ( new_code_cell, new_markdown_cell, new_notebook, writes) nb_cells = [] for cell_tp, language, block in cells: if cell_tp == 'markdown': nb_cells.append( new_markdown_cell(source=block)) elif cell_tp == 'codecell': nb_cells.append(new_code_cell(source=block)) nb = new_notebook(cells=nb_cells) filestr = writes(nb) return filestr def driver(): """Compile a document and its variables.""" try: inputfile = sys.argv[1] with open(inputfile, 'r') as f: text = f.read() outputfile = '-' if len(sys.argv) <= 2 else sys.argv[2] except (IndexError, IOError) as e: print('Usage: %s inputfile [outputfile|- [Mako args]]' % (sys.argv[0])) print(e) sys.exit(1) cells = read(text, argv=sys.argv[3:]) filestr = write(cells) # Assuming file extension .gj (generate Jupyter); TODO: less strict outputfile = inputfile[:-3]+'.ipynb' if outputfile == '-' else outputfile with open(outputfile, 'w') as f: f.write(filestr) if __name__ == '__main__': driver()