#' dateIndexToInteger #' #' Transform a (potential) date index into an integer (relative to data beginning). #' #' @param index Date (or integer) index #' @param data Object of class Data, output of \code{getData()} #' #' @export dateIndexToInteger = function(index, data) { # Works on integers too: trust input if (is.numeric(index)) index = as.integer(index) if (is.integer(index)) return (index) if (inherits(index, "Date") || is.character(index)) { tryCatch(indexAsDate <- as.Date(index), error=function(e) stop("Unrecognized index format")) #TODO: tz arg to difftime ? integerIndex <- round( as.numeric( difftime(indexAsDate, as.Date(data$getTime(1)[1])) ) ) + 1 if (integerIndex >= 1 && integerIndex <= data$getSize()) return (integerIndex) stop("Date outside data range") } stop("Unrecognized index format") } #' integerIndexToDate #' #' Transform an integer index (relative to data beginning) into a date index. #' #' @inheritParams dateIndexToInteger #' #' @export integerIndexToDate = function(index, data) { # Works on dates too: trust input if (is.character(index)) index = as.Date(index) if (is(index,"Date")) return (index) index = index[1] if (is.numeric(index)) index = as.integer(index) if (!is.integer(index)) stop("'index' should be a date or integer") as.Date( data$getTime(index)[1] ) } #' getSimilarDaysIndices #' #' Find similar days indices in the past; at least same type of day in the week: #' monday=tuesday=wednesday=thursday != friday != saturday != sunday. #' #' @param index Day index (numeric or date) #' @param data Reference dataset, object output of \code{getData} #' @param limit Maximum number of indices to return #' @param same_season Should the indices correspond to day in same season? #' @param days_in Optional set to intersect with results (NULL to discard) #' #' @export getSimilarDaysIndices = function(index, data, limit, same_season, days_in=NULL, operational=TRUE) { index = dateIndexToInteger(index, data) # Look for similar days (optionally in same season) days = c() dt_ref = as.POSIXlt(data$getTime(index)[1]) #first date-time of current day day_ref = dt_ref$wday #1=monday, ..., 6=saturday, 0=sunday month_ref = as.POSIXlt(data$getTime(index)[1])$mon+1 #month in 1...12 i = index - 1 if (!operational) j = index + 1 while (length(days) < min( limit, ifelse(is.null(days_in),Inf,length(days_in)) )) { if (i < 1 && j > data$getSize()) break if (i >= 1) { dt = as.POSIXlt(data$getTime(i)[1]) if ((is.null(days_in) || i %in% days_in) && .isSameDay(dt$wday, day_ref)) { if (!same_season || .isSameSeason(dt$mon+1, month_ref)) days = c(days, i) } i = i - 1 } if (!operational && j <= data$getSize()) { dt = as.POSIXlt(data$getTime(j)[1]) if ((is.null(days_in) || j %in% days_in) && .isSameDay(dt$wday, day_ref)) { if (!same_season || .isSameSeason(dt$mon+1, month_ref)) days = c(days, j) } j = j + 1 } } return ( days ) } # isSameSeason # # Check if two months fall in the same "season" (defined by estimated pollution rate). # # @param month Month index to test # @param month_ref Month to compare to # .isSameSeason = function(month, month_ref) { # if (month_ref == 3) #TODO: same as Bruno (but weird) # return (month %in% c(2,3,4,9,10)) if (month_ref %in% c(11,12,1,2)) #~= mid-polluted return (month %in% c(11,12,1,2)) if (month_ref %in% c(3,4,9,10)) #~= high-polluted return (month %in% c(3,4,9,10)) return (month %in% c(5,6,7,8)) #~= non polluted } # isSameDay # # Monday=Tuesday=Wednesday=Thursday ; Friday, Saturday, Sunday: specials. # # @param day Day index to test # @param day_ref Day index to compare to # .isSameDay = function(day, day_ref) { if (day_ref %in% 1:4) return (day %in% 1:4) return (day == day_ref) } # getNoNA2 # # Get indices in data of no-NA series preceded by no-NA, within [first,last] range. # # @inheritParams dateIndexToInteger # @param first First index (included) # @param last Last index (included) # .getNoNA2 = function(data, first, last) { (first:last)[ sapply(first:last, function(i) !any( is.na(data$getSerie(i-1)) | is.na(data$getSerie(i)) ) ) ] }