#' @title plot curves #' #' @description Plot a range of curves in data #' #' @param data Object of class Data #' @param indices Range of indices (integers or dates) #' #' @export plotCurves <- function(data, indices=seq_len(data$getSize())) { yrange = quantile( range( sapply( indices, function(i) { serie = c(data$getCenteredSerie(i)) if (!all(is.na(serie))) range(serie, na.rm=TRUE) c() }) ), probs=c(0.05,0.95) ) par(mar=c(4.7,5,1,1), cex.axis=1.5, cex.lab=1.5) for (i in seq_along(indices)) { plot(data$getSerie(indices[i]), type="l", ylim=yrange, xlab=ifelse(i==1,"Temps (en heures)",""), ylab=ifelse(i==1,"PM10","")) if (i < length(indices)) par(new=TRUE) } } #' @title plot measured / predicted #' #' @description Plot measured curve (in black) and predicted curve (in red) #' #' @param data Object return by \code{getData} #' @param pred Object as returned by \code{getForecast} #' @param index Index in forecasts #' #' @export plotPredReal <- function(data, pred, index) { horizon = length(pred$getSerie(1)) measure = data$getSerie(pred$getIndexInData(index)+1)[1:horizon] yrange = range( pred$getSerie(index), measure ) par(mar=c(4.7,5,1,1), cex.axis=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, lwd=3) plot(measure, type="l", ylim=yrange, xlab="Temps (en heures)", ylab="PM10") par(new=TRUE) plot(pred$getSerie(index), type="l", col="#0000FF", ylim=yrange, xlab="", ylab="") } #' @title Compute filaments #' #' @description Get similar days in the past + "past tomorrow", as black as distances are small #' #' @param data Object as returned by \code{getData} #' @param index Index in data #' @param limit Number of neighbors to consider #' @param plot Should the result be plotted? #' #' @export computeFilaments <- function(data, index, limit=60, plot=TRUE) { index = dateIndexToInteger(index, data) ref_serie = data$getCenteredSerie(index) if (any(is.na(ref_serie))) stop("computeFilaments requires a serie without NAs") L = length(ref_serie) first_day = ifelse(length(data$getCenteredSerie(1)