#' getData #' #' Acquire data as a Data object; see ?Data. #' #' Since series are given in columns (database format), this function builds series one #' by one and incrementally grows a Data object which is finally returned. #' #' @param ts_data Time-series, as a data frame (DB style: 2 columns, first is date/time, #' second is value) or a CSV file. #' @param exo_data Exogenous variables, as a data frame or a CSV file; first column is #' dates, next block are measurements for the day, and final block are exogenous #' forecasts (for the same day). #' @param date_format How date/time are stored (e.g. year/month/day hour:minutes; #' see ?strptime) #' @param limit Number of days to extract (default: Inf, for "all") #' #' @return An object of class Data #' #' @examples #' ts_data = read.csv(system.file("extdata","pm10_mesures_H_loc.csv",package="talweg")) #' exo_data = read.csv(system.file("extdata","meteo_extra_noNAs.csv",package="talweg")) #' data = getData(ts_data, exo_data, limit=120) #' @export getData = function(ts_data, exo_data, date_format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M", limit=Inf) { # Sanity checks (not full, but sufficient at this stage) if ( (!is.data.frame(ts_data) && !is.character(ts_data)) || (!is.data.frame(exo_data) && !is.character(exo_data)) ) stop("Bad time-series / exogenous input (data frame or CSV file)") if (is.character(ts_data)) ts_data = ts_data[1] if (is.character(exo_data)) exo_data = exo_data[1] if (!is.character(date_format)) stop("Bad date_format (character)") date_format = date_format[1] if (!is.numeric(limit) || limit < 0) stop("limit: positive integer") ts_df = if (is.character(ts_data)) read.csv(ts_data) else ts_data # Convert to GMT (pretend it's GMT; no impact) dates_POSIXlt = strptime(as.character(ts_df[,1]), date_format, tz="GMT") ts_df[,1] = format(as.POSIXct(dates_POSIXlt, tz="GMT"), tz="GMT", usetz=TRUE) exo_df = if (is.character(exo_data)) read.csv(exo_data) else exo_data # Times in exogenous variables file are ignored: no conversions required line = 1 #index in PM10 file (24 lines for 1 cell) nb_lines = nrow(ts_df) nb_exos = ( ncol(exo_df) - 1 ) / 2 data = Data$new() i = 1 #index of a cell in data while (line <= nb_lines) { time = c() serie = c() level_hat = c() repeat { { time = c(time, ts_df[line,1]) serie = c(serie, ts_df[line,2]) level_hat = c(level_hat, #in case of data file is incomplete... ifelse(ncol(ts_df) > 2, ts_df[line,3], mean(serie,na.rm=TRUE))) line = line + 1 }; if (line >= nb_lines + 1 || as.POSIXlt(ts_df[line-1,1],tz="GMT")$hour == 0) { break } } data$append(time=time, value=serie, level_hat=level_hat, exo=exo_df[i,2:(1+nb_exos)], exo_hat=exo_df[i,(1+nb_exos+1):(1+2*nb_exos)]) if (i >= limit) break i = i + 1 } data }