#' getPersistenceJumpPredict #' #' Analog of the PersistenceForecaster: predict the jump after last observed value either #' by re-applying the last jump between similar day and its follower (if argument #' "same_day" is TRUE), or by re-using the very last observed jump (when "same_day" = #' FALSE). #' #' @inheritParams computeForecast #' @inheritParams getZeroJumpPredict #' #' @aliases J_Persistence #' getPersistenceJumpPredict = function(data, today, memory, horizon, params, ...) { #return gap between end of similar day curve and first day of tomorrow (in the past) first_day = max(1, today-memory) same_day = ifelse(hasArg("same_day"), list(...)$same_day, TRUE) index = today - ifelse(same_day,7,1) repeat { { last_serie_end = tail( data$getSerie(index), 1) last_tomorrow_begin = head( data$getSerie(index+1), 1) index = index - ifelse(same_day,7,1) }; if (!is.na(last_serie_end) && !is.na(last_tomorrow_begin)) return (last_tomorrow_begin - last_serie_end); if (index < first_day) return (NA) } }