#' @title Forecast #' #' @description Forecast encapsulation #' #' @field pred List with #' \itemize{ #' \item serie: forecasted serie #' \item params: corresponding list of parameters (weights, neighbors...) #' \item index: corresponding index in data object #' } #' #' @exportClass Forecast #' @export Forecast Forecast = setRefClass( Class = "Forecast", fields = list( pred = "list" ), methods = list( initialize = function(...) { "Initialize empty Forecast object" callSuper(...) }, getSize = function() { "Number of individual forecasts" length(pred) }, append = function(new_serie, new_params, new_index) { "Obtain a new pair (serie, params)" pred[[length(pred)+1]] <<- list("serie"=new_serie, "params"=new_params, "index"=new_index) }, getSerie = function(index) { "Serie values at specified index" pred[[index]]$serie }, getParams = function(index) { "Params at specified index" pred[[index]]$params }, getIndexInData = function(index) { "(day) Index in data where prediction took place" pred[[index]]$index } ) )