#include // Index matrix (by columns) int mi(int i, int j, int d1, int d2) { return j*d1 + i; } // Index 3-tensor (by columns, matrices ordered by last dim) int ti(int i, int j, int k, int d1, int d2, int d3) { return k*d1*d2 + j*d1 + i; } // Empirical cross-moment of order 2 between X size nxd and Y size n void Moments_M2(double* X, double* Y, int* pn, int* pd, double* M2) { int n=*pn, d=*pd; //double* M2 = (double*)calloc(d*d,sizeof(double)); // M2 = E[Y*X^*2] - E[Y*e^*2] = E[Y (X^*2 - I)] for (int j=0; j // W = 1/N sum( t(g(Zi,theta)) g(Zi,theta) ) // with g(Zi, theta) = i-th contribution to all moments (size dim) - real moments void Compute_Omega(double* X, double* Y, double* M, int* pn, int* pd, double* W) { int n=*pn, d=*pd; int dim = d + d*d + d*d*d; //printf("X: \n"); //for (int kk=0; kk