#include "MPI_Main/master.h" #include "MPI_Main/slave.h" #include "Util/utils.h" #include "Util/rng.h" #include #include #include #include #include "TimeSeries/serialize.h" #include "TimeSeries/deserialize.h" #include "Classification/getClass.h" #include #include #include // serialize text file argv[1] into a binary file argv[2] int serialize_main(int argc, char** argv) { const char* ifileName = argv[1]; const char* ofileName = argv[2]; int byCols = atoi(argv[3]); uint32_t nbItems = atoi(argv[4]); //==0 for "all series" if (byCols) serialize_byCols(ifileName, ofileName, nbItems); else serialize_byRows(ifileName, ofileName, nbItems); return 0; } // deserialize binary file argv[1] into text file argv[2] int deserialize_main(int argc, char** argv) { const char* ifileName = argv[1]; const char* ofileName = argv[2]; Vector* vranks = vector_new(uint32_t); //each token is at most two ints (a-b = from a to b included) char* token = strtok(argv[3], ","); int retrieveAll = 0; uint32_t* ranks = NULL; while (token) { //scan token to find middle position of '-' (if any) int minusPos = -1; int tokenLength = strlen(token); //loop starts at index 1 because -N is allowed (and means 'everything') for (int i=1; i totalNbSeries) nbSeriesInChunk = totalNbSeries; if (nbClusters > nbSeriesInChunk) nbClusters = nbSeriesInChunk; double idealNbSeriesInChunk = 0.0; //unused if randomize == TRUE if (!randomize) { // Adjust nbSeriesInChunk to avoid small remainders. // Each node should have at least nbSeriesInChunk (as given to the function). // ==> We seek for the largest N such that (double)totalNbSeries / N >= nbSeriesInChunk uint32_t N = totalNbSeries / nbSeriesInChunk + 1; while ((double)totalNbSeries / N < nbSeriesInChunk) N--; // At this point N>=1 is the solution idealNbSeriesInChunk = (double)totalNbSeries / N; nbSeriesInChunk = ceil(idealNbSeriesInChunk); } // Initialize random generator init_rng(1); // Find out my identity in the default communicator int myrank; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank); if (myrank == 0) { // create temporary folder for intermediate results mkdir(".tmp", S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); master_run(ifileName, totalNbSeries, nbSeriesInChunk, idealNbSeriesInChunk, tsLength, nbClusters, randomize, p_for_dissims); } else slave_run(myrank, nbSeriesInChunk, nbClusters); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; } //main classification task (using clustering result) //NOTE: ifileName == courbes à classer (?!) int classif_main(int argc, char** argv) { const char* ifileName = argv[1]; const char* xmlFileName = argv[2]; // 1] load and retrieve info from XML file xmlDoc* doc = xmlReadFile(xmlFileName, NULL, 0); // Get the root element node xmlNode* root_element = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); uint32_t p_for_dissims = 0; uint32_t* ranks = NULL; uint32_t nbClusters = 0; char* binFileName; for (xmlNode* cur_node=root_element->children; cur_node; cur_node=cur_node->next) { if (cur_node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue; if (!strcmp(cur_node->name,"p_for_dissims")) p_for_dissims = atoi(cur_node->last->content); else if (!strcmp(cur_node->name,"ranks")) { //first pass: find nbClusters for (xmlNode* rankNode=cur_node->children; rankNode; rankNode=rankNode->next) { if (rankNode->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && !strcmp(rankNode->name,"rank")) nbClusters++; } //second pass: fill ranks (not optimal, but not very important here) ranks = (uint32_t*) malloc(nbClusters*sizeof(uint32_t)); uint32_t index = 0; for (xmlNode* rankNode=cur_node->children; rankNode; rankNode=rankNode->next) { if (rankNode->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && !strcmp(rankNode->name,"rank")) ranks[index++] = atoi(rankNode->last->content) - 1; } } else if (!strcmp(cur_node->name,"file")) { binFileName = (char*) malloc(strlen(cur_node->last->content)+1); strcpy(binFileName, cur_node->last->content); } } xmlFreeDoc(doc); xmlCleanupParser(); uint32_t tsLength1 = get_tsLength(ifileName); uint32_t tsLength2 = get_tsLength(binFileName); if (tsLength1 != tsLength2) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning: nbValues do not match. Data will be truncated.\n"); if (tsLength1 > tsLength2) tsLength1 = tsLength2; } uint32_t nbValues = (tsLength1 - 4) / 4; // 2] Classify all series by batches of CURVES_PER_REQUEST uint32_t nbSeries = get_nbSeries(ifileName); PowerCurve* medoids = deserialize(binFileName, NULL, ranks, nbClusters); free(binFileName); free(ranks); ranks = (uint32_t*)malloc(CURVES_PER_REQUEST*sizeof(uint32_t)); uint32_t smallestNonProcessedIndex = 0; double DISTOR = 0.0; FILE* labelsFile = fopen("LABELS", "w"); while (smallestNonProcessedIndex < nbSeries) { uint32_t lowerBound = smallestNonProcessedIndex; uint32_t upperBound = smallestNonProcessedIndex + CURVES_PER_REQUEST; if (upperBound > nbSeries) upperBound = nbSeries; for (uint32_t i=0; i