Package: epclust Title: Clustering Individual Electricity Power Curves Description: Electric Power curves CLUSTering, through their wavelets decomposition. The main function 'claws' takes (usually long) time-series in input, and return as many clusters centers as requested, along with their ranks and synchrones (sum of all curves in one group). For the method, see ?claws and For usage examples, see ?claws and package vignette. Version: 0.1-0 Author: Benjamin Auder [aut,cre], Jairo Cugliari [aut], Yannig Goude [ctb], Jean-Michel Poggi [ctb] Maintainer: Benjamin Auder Depends: R (>= 3.0.0) Imports: methods, parallel, cluster, bigmemory, wavelets, Rwave Suggests: synchronicity, devtools, testthat, roxygen2, MASS, wmtsa, DBI, digest License: MIT + file LICENSE RoxygenNote: 6.0.1 Collate: 'main.R' 'clustering.R' 'de_serialize.R' 'A_NAMESPACE.R' 'computeSynchrones.R' 'computeWerDists.R' 'plot.R' 'utils.R'