#TODO: setRefClass... to avoid copy data !! #http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2603184/r-pass-by-reference #fields: data (can be NULL or provided by user), coeffs (will be computed #con can be a character string naming a file; see readLines() #data can be in DB format, on one column : TODO: guess (from header, or col. length...) writeTmp(curves [uncompressed coeffs, limited number - nbSeriesPerChunk], last=FALSE) #if last=TRUE, close the conn readTmp(..., from index, n curves) #careful: connection must remain open #TODO: write read/write tmp reference ( on file in .tmp/ folder ... ) epclust = function(data=NULL, K, nbPerChunk, ..., writeTmp=ref_writeTmp, readTmp=ref_readTmp) #where to put/retrieve intermediate results; if not provided, use file on disk { #on input: can be data or con; data handled by writing it to file (ascii or bin ?!), #data: con or matrix or DB #1) acquire data (process curves, get as coeffs) if (is.numeric(data)) { #full data matrix index = 1 n = nrow(data) while (index < n) { writeTmp( getCoeffs(data) ) index = index + nbSeriesPerChunk } } else if (is.function(data)) { #custom user function to retrieve next n curves, probably to read from DB writeTmp( getCoeffs( data(nbPerChunk) ) ) } else { #incremental connection #read it one by one and get coeffs until nbSeriesPerChunk #then launch a clustering task............ ascii_lines = readLines(data, nbSeriesPerChunk) seriesChunkFile = ".tmp/seriesChunk" #TODO: find a better way writeLines(ascii_lines, seriesChunkFile) writeTmp( getCoeffs( read.csv(seriesChunkFile) ) ) } else stop("Unrecognizable 'data' argument (must be numeric, functional or connection)") #2) process coeffs (by nbSeriesPerChunk) and cluster in parallel (just launch async task, wait for them to complete, and re-do if necessary) #3) apply stage 2 (in parallel ? inside task 2) ?) } getCoeffs = function(series) { #... return wavelets coeffs : compute in parallel ! }