#include #include "cgds/List.h" #include "test/helpers.h" #include "test/lut.h" void t_list_clear() //FTEST { List* L = list_new(int); list_insert_front(L, 0); list_insert_back(L, 0); list_insert_after(L, L->head, 0); list_clear(L); lu_assert(list_empty(L)); list_destroy(L); } void t_list_size() //FTEST { List* L = list_new(double); list_insert_front(L, 0.0); list_insert_back(L, 0.0); list_insert_front(L, 0.0); lu_assert_int_eq(list_size(L), 3); list_insert_back(L, 0.0); list_insert_before(L, L->tail, 0.0); lu_assert_int_eq(list_size(L), 5); list_insert_after(L, L->head->next, 0.0); list_insert_before(L, L->tail->prev, 0.0); list_insert_after(L, L->head, 0.0); lu_assert_int_eq(list_size(L), 8); list_set(L, L->head->next, 42); list_remove_front(L); int a; list_get(L->head, a); lu_assert_int_eq(a, 42); list_remove(L, L->head->next); lu_assert_int_eq(list_size(L), 6); list_set(L, L->tail, 32); list_remove(L, L->tail->prev); list_get(L->tail, a); lu_assert_int_eq(a, 32); lu_assert_int_eq(list_size(L), 5); list_destroy(L); } void t_list_push_pop_basic() //FTEST { int n = 10; List* L = list_new(double); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) list_insert_back(L, (double) i); // iterate and check values ListIterator* li = list_get_iterator(L); double ckValue = 0.0; while (listI_has_data(li)) { double d; listI_get(li, d); lu_assert_dbl_eq(d, ckValue); ckValue += 1.0; listI_move_next(li); } // same, from end to beginning ckValue = n - 1; listI_reset_tail(li); while (listI_has_data(li)) { double d; listI_get(li, d); lu_assert_dbl_eq(d, ckValue); ckValue -= 1.0; listI_move_prev(li); } list_destroy(L); listI_destroy(li); } void t_list_push_pop_evolved() //FTEST { int n = 10; List* L = list_new(StructTest1); StructTest1* st1 = (StructTest1*) malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest1)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { st1[i].a = rand() % 42; st1[i].b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX; list_insert_back(L, *(st1 + i)); } ListCell* lc = L->head; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { //another way to access elements StructTest1 st1Cell; list_get(lc, st1Cell); lu_assert_int_eq(st1Cell.a, st1[i].a); lu_assert_dbl_eq(st1Cell.b, st1[i].b); lc = lc->next; } safe_free(st1); list_destroy(L); L = list_new(StructTest2*); StructTest2* st2 = (StructTest2*) malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest2)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { st2[i].a = (float) rand() / RAND_MAX; st2[i].b = (StructTest1*) malloc(sizeof (StructTest1)); st2[i].b->a = rand() % 42; st2[i].b->b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX; list_insert_back(L, st2 + i); } lc = L->head; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { StructTest2* st2Cell; list_get(lc, st2Cell); lu_assert_dbl_eq(st2Cell->a, st2[i].a); lu_assert_int_eq(st2Cell->b->a, st2[i].b->a); lu_assert_dbl_eq(st2Cell->b->b, st2[i].b->b); safe_free(st2Cell->b); lc = lc->next; } safe_free(st2); list_destroy(L); } void t_list_copy() //FTEST { int n = 10; List* L = list_new(int); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) list_insert_front(L, rand() % 42); List* Lc = list_copy(L); lu_assert_int_eq(L->size, Lc->size); ListCell* lCell = L->head; ListCell* lcCell = Lc->head; int a, b; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { list_get(lCell, a); list_get(lcCell, b); lu_assert_int_eq(a, b); lCell = lCell->next; lcCell = lcCell->next; } list_destroy(L); list_destroy(Lc); }