#include #include "cgds/Heap.h" #include "test/helpers.h" #include "test/lut.h" void t_heap_clear() //FTEST { Heap* h = heap_new(int, MIN_T, 2); // NOTE: items with same priorities are supported; // since it is unused in this test, we arbitrarily choose 0.0 heap_insert(h, 0, 0.0); heap_insert(h, 0, 0.0); heap_insert(h, 0, 0.0); heap_clear(h); lu_assert(heap_empty(h)); heap_destroy(h); } void t_heap_size() //FTEST { Heap* h = heap_new(double, MAX_T, 3); heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0); heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0); heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0); lu_assert_int_eq(heap_size(h), 3); heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0); heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0); lu_assert_int_eq(heap_size(h), 5); heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0); heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0); heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0); lu_assert_int_eq(heap_size(h), 8); heap_destroy(h); } void t_heap_push_pop_basic() //FTEST { Heap* h = heap_new(int, MIN_T, 3); heap_insert(h, 1, 1.0); heap_insert(h, 2, 3.0); heap_insert(h, 3, 2.0); heap_insert(h, 4, 4.0); heap_insert(h, 5, 0.0); int a; heap_top(h, a); lu_assert_int_eq(a, 5); //5 has "highest" priority (0.0, MIN_T) heap_pop(h); heap_top(h, a); lu_assert_int_eq(a, 1); //1 -> 1.0 heap_pop(h); heap_top(h, a); lu_assert_int_eq(a, 3); //3 -> 2.0 heap_pop(h); heap_top(h, a); lu_assert_int_eq(a, 2); //2 -> 3.0 heap_pop(h); heap_top(h, a); lu_assert_int_eq(a, 4); //4 -> 4.0 heap_pop(h); lu_assert(heap_empty(h)); h->hType = MAX_T; //HACK... (why not?) heap_insert(h, 1, 1.0); heap_insert(h, 2, 3.0); heap_insert(h, 3, 2.0); heap_insert(h, 4, 4.0); heap_insert(h, 5, 7.0); heap_insert(h, 6, 5.0); heap_insert(h, 7, 6.0); heap_remove(h, 4); heap_remove(h, 2); heap_modify(h, 3, 4.0); heap_modify(h, 7, 3.0); heap_top(h, a); lu_assert_int_eq(a, 5); //5 has highest priority (7.0, MAX_T) heap_pop(h); heap_top(h, a); lu_assert_int_eq(a, 6); //6 -> 5.0 heap_pop(h); heap_top(h, a); lu_assert_int_eq(a, 3); //3 -> 4.0 heap_pop(h); heap_top(h, a); lu_assert_int_eq(a, 7); //7 -> 3.0 heap_pop(h); heap_top(h, a); lu_assert_int_eq(a, 1); //1 -> 1.0 heap_pop(h); lu_assert(heap_empty(h)); heap_destroy(h); } void t_heap_push_pop_evolved() //FTEST { int n = 10; Heap* h = heap_new(StructTest1, MAX_T, 2); StructTest1* st1 = (StructTest1*) safe_malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest1)); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { st1[i].a = i; st1[i].b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX; heap_insert(h, *(st1 + i), i); //item i has value i } for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { StructTest1 st1Cell; heap_top(h, st1Cell); lu_assert_int_eq(st1Cell.a, i); heap_pop(h); } safe_free(st1); heap_destroy(h); h = heap_new(StructTest2*, MAX_T, 4); StructTest2* st2 = (StructTest2*) safe_malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest2)); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { st2[i].a = (float) rand() / RAND_MAX; st2[i].b = (StructTest1*) safe_malloc(sizeof (StructTest1)); st2[i].b->a = i; st2[i].b->b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX; // item i has value i+1 if i is even, i-1 if i is odd // that is to say, values are 1 0 3 2 5 4 ... heap_insert(h, st2 + i, i % 2 == 0 ? i + 1 : i - 1); } for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { StructTest2* st2Cell; heap_top(h, st2Cell); // NOTE: i |--> i%2==0 ? i+1 : i-1 is an involution lu_assert_int_eq(st2Cell->b->a, i % 2 == 0 ? i + 1 : i - 1); heap_pop(h); safe_free(st2Cell->b); } safe_free(st2); heap_destroy(h); } void t_heap_copy() //FTEST { int n = 10; Heap* h = heap_new(int, MIN_T, 2); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) heap_insert(h, rand() % 42, (double) rand() / RAND_MAX); Heap* hc = heap_copy(h); lu_assert_int_eq(heap_size(h), heap_size(hc)); int a, b; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { heap_top(h, a); heap_top(hc, b); lu_assert_int_eq(a, b); heap_pop(h); heap_pop(hc); } heap_destroy(h); heap_destroy(hc); }