/** * @file BufferTop.c */ #include "cgds/BufferTop.h" // NOTE: no init() method here, since BufferTop has no specific initialization BufferTop* _buffertop_new( size_t dataSize, UInt capacity, OrderType bType, UInt arity) { BufferTop* bufferTop = (BufferTop*) safe_malloc(sizeof (BufferTop)); bufferTop->capacity = capacity; bufferTop->bType = bType; //redondant, but facilitate understanding // WARNING: heap must have opposite type: "smallest" element first bufferTop->heap = _heap_new(dataSize, (bType == MAX_T ? MIN_T : MAX_T), arity); return bufferTop; } BufferTop* buffertop_copy(BufferTop* bufferTop) { BufferTop* bufferTopCopy = (BufferTop*) safe_malloc(sizeof (BufferTop)); bufferTopCopy->capacity = bufferTop->capacity; bufferTopCopy->bType = bufferTop->bType; bufferTopCopy->heap = heap_copy(bufferTop->heap); return bufferTopCopy; } List* buffertop_2list(BufferTop* bufferTop) { // Copy the buffer, and then use the copy to build the list BufferTop* bufferTopCopy = buffertop_copy(bufferTop); List* bufferInList = _list_new(bufferTop->heap->items->dataSize); while (!buffertop_empty(bufferTopCopy)) { void* topItem = _heap_top(bufferTopCopy->heap).item; // NOTE: list_insert_front(), to reverse (wrong) items order // ==> in the returned list, top element is at head. _list_insert_front(bufferInList, topItem); buffertop_pop(bufferTopCopy); } buffertop_destroy(bufferTopCopy); return bufferInList; } bool buffertop_empty(BufferTop* bufferTop) { return (heap_size(bufferTop->heap) == 0); } UInt buffertop_size(BufferTop* bufferTop) { return heap_size(bufferTop->heap); } void _buffertop_tryadd(BufferTop* bufferTop, void* item, Real value) { if (heap_size(bufferTop->heap) >= bufferTop->capacity) { Real topValue = *((Real*) (bufferTop->heap->values->datas)); if ( (bufferTop->bType == MIN_T && value >= topValue) || (bufferTop->bType == MAX_T && value <= topValue) ) { // Shortcut : if value "worse" than top->value and buffer is full, skip return; } } // Insertion somewhere in the item-values heap _heap_insert(bufferTop->heap, item, value); if (heap_size(bufferTop->heap) > bufferTop->capacity) // We must remove current root heap_pop(bufferTop->heap); } ItemValue _buffertop_first(BufferTop* bufferTop) { return _heap_top(bufferTop->heap); } void buffertop_pop(BufferTop* bufferTop) { heap_pop(bufferTop->heap); } void buffertop_clear(BufferTop* bufferTop) { heap_clear(bufferTop->heap); } void buffertop_destroy(BufferTop* bufferTop) { heap_destroy(bufferTop->heap); safe_free(bufferTop); }