% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/compareTo.R \name{compareRange} \alias{compareRange} \title{compareRange} \usage{ compareRange( data, target, method_s, N = 100, nc = NA, floss = NULL, V_range = c(10, 15, 20), ... ) } \arguments{ \item{data}{Data matrix or data.frame} \item{target}{Target vector (generally)} \item{method_s}{Either a single function, or a list (examples: agghoo_run, standardCV_run)} \item{N}{Number of calls to method(s)} \item{nc}{Number of cores. Set to parallel::detectCores() if undefined. Set it to any value <=1 to say "no parallelism".} \item{floss}{Loss function to compute the error on testing dataset.} \item{V_range}{Values of V to be tested.} \item{...}{arguments passed to method_s function(s)} } \description{ Run compareMulti on several values of the parameter V. }