Package: aggexp Title: aggexp : AGGregation of EXPerts to forecast time-series Version: 0.2-3 Description: As the title suggests, past predictions of a set of given experts are aggregated until time t to predict at time t+1, (generally) as a weighted sum of values at time t. Several weights optimization algorithm are compared: exponential weights, MLPoly, and some classical statistical learning procedures (Ridge, SVM...). Author: Benjamin Auder [aut,cre], Jean-Michel Poggi [ctb], Bruno Portier , [ctb] Maintainer: Benjamin Auder Depends: R (>= 3.0) Suggests: gam, tree, kernlab LazyData: yes URL: License: MIT + file LICENSE Collate: 'A_NAMESPACE.R' 'z_util.R' 'b_Algorithm.R' 'b_LinearAlgorithm.R' 'd_dataset.R' 'm_ExponentialWeights.R' 'm_GeneralizedAdditive.R' 'm_KnearestNeighbors.R' 'm_MLPoly.R' 'm_RegressionTree.R' 'm_RidgeRegression.R' 'm_SVMclassif.R' 'z_getData.R' 'z_runAlgorithm.R' 'z_plotHelper.R' 'z_plot.R' RoxygenNote: 5.0.1