\name{aggexp-package} \alias{aggexp-package} \alias{aggexp} \docType{package} \title{ \packageTitle{aggexp} } \description{ \packageDescription{aggexp} } \details{ The package devtools should be useful in development stage, since we rely on testthat for unit tests, and roxygen2 for documentation. knitr is used to generate the package vignette. Concerning the other suggested packages: \itemize{ \item{TODO...;} \item{TODO...;} } The three main functions are located in R/main.R: \itemize{ \item{TODO...;} \item{TODO...;} } } \author{ \packageAuthor{aggexp} Maintainer: \packageMaintainer{aggexp} } %\references{ % TODO: Literature or other references for background information %} %\examples{ % TODO: simple examples of the most important functions %}