#' @include b_Algorithm.R #' @title Linear Algorithm #' #' @description Generic class to represent a linear algorithm. #' TODO: not needed in production environment; weights growing infinitely. #' Inherits \code{\link{Algorithm}} #' #' @field weights The matrix of weights (in rows) associated to each expert (in columns) #' LinearAlgorithm = setRefClass( Class = "LinearAlgorithm", fields = c( weights = "matrix" ), contains = "Algorithm", methods = list( initialize = function(...) { callSuper(...) weights <<- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=ncol(data)-3) }, appendWeight = function(weight) { "Append the last computed weights to the weights matrix, for further plotting" n = nrow(data) nx = n - nrow(subset(data, subset = (Date == data[n,"Date"]))) x = data[(nx+1):n, !names(data) %in% c("Date","Measure","Station")] iy = getNoNAindices(x, 2) completedWeight = rep(NA, ncol(x)) completedWeight[iy] = weight weights <<- rbind(weights, completedWeight) }, plotWeights = function(station=1, start=1, ...) { "Plot the weights of each expert over time" if (is.character(station)) station = match(station, stations) #keep only full weights (1 to K) weights_ = weights[getNoNAindices(weights),] weights_ = weights_[start:nrow(weights_),] yRange = range(weights_, na.rm=TRUE) K = ncol(weights_) cols = rainbow(K) par(mar=c(5,4.5,1,1), cex=1.5) for (i in 1:K) { plot(weights_[,i], type="l", xaxt="n", ylim=yRange, col=cols[i], xlab="", ylab="",cex.axis=1.5, ...) par(new=TRUE) } axis(side=1, at=seq(from=1,to=nrow(weights_),by=30), labels=seq(from=0,to=nrow(weights_),by=30) + start, cex.axis=1.5) title(xlab="Time",ylab="Weight", cex.lab=1.6) }, plotWeights_rn = function(station=1, start=1, ...) { "Weights plotting tailored for AirNormand reports" if (is.character(station)) station = match(station, stations) cols = c( colors()[258], #CLM (vert) colors()[258], #GAM colors()[258], #CLM1 colors()[258], #CLM2 colors()[53], #S_AIRPARIF (orange) colors()[53], #S_INERIS colors()[28], #D_ESMERALDA (bleu) colors()[28], #D_PREVAIR colors()[28], #D_PREVAIR2 1 #PERSIST (noir) ) #l : ligne, b : cercles, o : cercles+ligne plotTypes = rep("b", length(cols)) ltypes = c(1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,1,1) pchtypes = c(21,22,24,25,21,22,21,22,24,21) #keep only full weights (1 to K) weights_ = weights[getNoNAindices(weights),] weights_ = weights_[start:nrow(weights_),] #TODO: HACK for plotting for presentation... #should be: yRange = range(weights_, na.rm = TRUE) yRange = quantile(weights_, probs=c(0.02, 0.98)) par(mar=c(5,4.5,1,1), cex=1.5) for (j in 1:ncol(weights_)) { plot(weights_[,j],xaxt="n",ylim=yRange,type=plotTypes[j],col=cols[j],bg=cols[j],lty=ltypes[j],pch=pchtypes[j],xlab="",ylab="",cex.axis=1.5, ...) par(new=TRUE) } axis(side=1, at=seq(from=1,to=nrow(weights_),by=30), labels=seq(from=0,to=nrow(weights_),by=30) + start, cex.axis=1.5) title(xlab="Time",ylab="Weight", cex.lab=1.6) }, plotWeightsByFamily_rn = function(station=1, type="Absolute", start=1, legend=TRUE, ...) { "Weights plotting for AirNormand reports, by family of experts. type == 'Relative' or 'Absolute'" if (is.character(station)) station = match(station, stations) #keep only full weights (1 to K) weights_ = weights[getNoNAindices(weights),] weights_ = weights_[start:nrow(weights_),] summary = matrix(nrow=nrow(weights_), ncol=4) if (type == "Relative") { summary[,1] = weights_[,1] + weights_[,2] + weights_[,3] + weights_[,4] summary[,2] = weights_[,5] + weights_[,6] summary[,3] = weights_[,7] + weights_[,8] + weights_[,9] summary[,4] = weights_[,10] } else { summary[,1] = abs(weights_[,1]) + abs(weights_[,2]) + abs(weights_[,3]) + abs(weights_[,4]) summary[,2] = abs(weights_[,5]) + abs(weights_[,6]) summary[,3] = abs(weights_[,7]) + abs(weights_[,8]) + abs(weights_[,9]) summary[,4] = abs(weights_[,10]) } cols = c( colors()[258], #GAM,CLM,1,2 (vert) colors()[53], #S_AIRPARIF,S_INERIS (orange) colors()[28], #D_ESMERALDA,D_PREVAIR,D_PREVAIR2 (bleu) 1 #PERSIST ) #l : ligne, b : cercles, o : cercles+ligne plotTypes = c("l", "l", "l", "l") yRange = range(summary) par(mar=c(5,4.5,3,1), cex=1.5) for (j in 1:4) { plot(summary[,j],xaxt="n",ylim=yRange,type=plotTypes[j],col=cols[j], xlab="", ylab="", cex.axis=1.5, lwd=2, ...) par(new=TRUE) } axis(side=1, at=seq(from=1,to=nrow(weights_),by=30), labels=seq(from=0,to=nrow(weights_),by=30) + start, cex.axis=1.5) title(xlab="Time",ylab=paste(type, "sum of weights"), cex.lab=1.6, main=paste(type, "sum of weights by family")) if (legend) { legend("topright", #title="Somme des poids par famille", col=c(colors()[258], colors()[53], colors()[28], 1), lwd=2, cex=1.1, lty=rep("solid",4),legend=c("Stat. Air Normand","Stat. others","Deterministic", "Persistence")) } } ) )