ppam_exe = function(path=".", np=parallel::detectCores(), data=NULL, args="DontLetMeEmpty") { command_line = paste("mpirun -np ",np," ",path,"/ppam.exe cluster",sep="") #if data provided (as data.frame or matrix...): binarize it, and add it as first argument if (!is.null(data)) { if (!is.character(data)) { #assuming matrix or data.frame, WITH row names (identifiers; could be line number...) write.csv(data, "/tmp/data_csv", row.names=TRUE, col.names=FALSE) system(paste(path,"/ppam.exe serialize /tmp/data_csv /tmp/data_bin 0 0",sep="")) } else { system(paste(path,"/ppam.exe serialize ",data," /tmp/data_bin 0 0",sep="")) } command_line = paste(command_line," /tmp/data_bin",sep="") } command_line = paste(command_line," ",args,sep="") system(command_line) }