input#modalWelcome.modal(type="checkbox") div(role="dialog") #welcome.card.text-center label.modal-close(for="modalWelcome") Welcome to v[ariant]! .section p A fun place to play chess variants in real time. p But wait... what is a chess variant? img(src="/images/Hexagonal_chess.svg") p. As suggested by the picture, a variant setup generally looks more or less like a chessboard with regular pieces (otherwise it's no longer a variant but a whole new game). p.emphasis.purple However... p Each variant has its own new rules, which can involve table.list-table tbody tr td * different pieces movements tr td * different chessboard(s) tr td * new pieces tr td * moves side effects tr td ...and so on .section p. Example: imagine that a capture is an atomic explosion, wiping all adjacent squares – except the pawns, which as cockroaches can resist this kind of event. p Also state a goal: make the opponent's king explode. p → Congrats, you defined Atomic chess! (Playable here) .section p.emphasis.purple | OK, this all sounds interesting, but why would that be fun? p. Because all games here start with a random setup: no more boring openings memorization, you have to rely on your chess skills only. No game is like another one. - var wikipediaUrl = "" + "List_of_chess_variants#/media/File:Hexagonal_chess.svg"; p | For informations about hundreds (if not thousands) of variants, you | can visit the excellent a(href="" _target="blank" rel="noopener") | chessvariants |  website. p.smallfont | Image credit: a(href=wikipediaUrl _target="blank" rel="noopener") Wikipedia