Fix corr game rematch
[vchess.git] / client / src / translations / rules / Relayup / en.pug
1 p.boxed
2 | Pieces inherit the movement of friendly pieces observing them.
4 p
5 | This variant is based on
6 a(href="") Relay Chess
7 |  from by Johnny Luken (2012).
9 p.
10 As in Relay Chess, there is no castle or en passant captures, and pawns
11 can only advance one square forward (by themselves).
13 p However, I made two substantial changes:
14 ul
15 li.
16 Being relayed by a friendly piece adds moving options, without canceling
17 the base movements of a piece. Thus the relay is an "upgrade", explaining
18 the chosen name "Relayup".
19 li.
20 Pawns relayed by any friendly piece (except pawns) gain the ability to
21 move and capture like it, but by one step only.
23 figure.diagram-container
24 .diagram
25 | fen:rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR c3,d4,d3,e3,f4,f3,g3:
26 figcaption.
27 Movements of the e2 pawn, relayed by knight and queen (+ king and bishop).
29 p.
30 Finally, since stalemate counts as a win and (I believe) no fully blocked
31 positions can be reached, the goal is now to capture the enemy king.
32 You can theoretically go or remain into check.