[vchess.git] / Settings.vue
1 <template lang="pug">
2 div
3 input#modalSettings.modal(type="checkbox")
4 div(
5 role="dialog"
6 data-checkbox="modalSettings"
7 )
8 .card
9 label.modal-close(for="modalSettings")
10 -
11 var langName = {
12 "en": "English",
13 "es": "Español",
14 "fr": "Français",
15 };
16 fieldset(@change="setLanguage($event)")
17 label(for="langSelect")
18 | {{ st.tr["Language"] }}
19 select#langSelect
20 each language,langCode in langName
21 option(value=langCode)
22 =language
23 #flagContainer
24 img(
25 v-if="!!st.lang"
26 :src="flagImage"
27 )
28 div(@change="updateSettings($event)")
29 fieldset
30 label(for="setHints") {{ st.tr["Show possible moves?"] }}
31 input#setHints(
32 type="checkbox"
33 v-model="st.settings.hints"
34 )
35 fieldset
36 label(for="setHighlight")
37 | {{ st.tr["Highlight last move and checks?"] }}
38 input#setHighlight(
39 type="checkbox"
40 v-model="st.settings.highlight"
41 )
42 fieldset
43 label(for="setBcolor") {{ st.tr["Board colors"] }}
44 select#setBcolor(v-model="st.settings.bcolor")
45 option(value="lichess") {{ st.tr["brown"] }}
46 option(value="chesscom") {{ st.tr["green"] }}
47 option(value="chesstempo") {{ st.tr["blue"] }}
48 fieldset
49 label(for="setSound") {{ st.tr["Play sounds?"] }}
50 select#setSound(v-model="st.settings.sound")
51 option(value="0") {{ st.tr["None"] }}
52 option(value="1") {{ st.tr["New game"] }}
53 option(value="2") {{ st.tr["All"] }}
54 </template>
56 <script>
57 import { store } from "@/store.js";
58 export default {
59 name: "my-settings",
60 data: function() {
61 return {
62 st: store.state
63 };
64 },
65 mounted: function() {
66 // NOTE: better style would be in pug directly, but how?
67 document.querySelectorAll("#langSelect > option").forEach(opt => {
68 if (opt.value == this.st.lang) opt.selected = true;
69 });
70 },
71 computed: {
72 flagImage: function() {
73 return `/images/flags/${this.st.lang}.svg`;
74 }
75 },
76 methods: {
77 setLanguage: function(e) {
78 localStorage["lang"] = e.target.value;
79 store.setLanguage(e.target.value);
80 },
81 updateSettings: function(event) {
82 const propName = event.target.id
83 .substr(3)
84 .replace(/^\w/, c => c.toLowerCase());
85 let value = ["bcolor", "sound"].includes(propName)
86 ? event.target.value
87 : event.target.checked;
88 if (propName == "sound") value = parseInt(value);
89 store.updateSetting(propName, value);
90 }
91 }
92 };
93 </script>
95 <style lang="sass" scoped>
96 [type="checkbox"].modal+div .card
97 max-width: 767px
98 max-height: 100%
99 #flagContainer
100 display: inline-block
101 height: 100%
102 & > img
103 vertical-align: middle
104 padding: 0 0 0 10px
105 width: 36px
106 height: 27px
107 </style>