[vchess.git] / GameList.vue
1 <template lang="pug">
2 div
3 table
4 thead
5 tr
6 th {{ st.tr["Variant"] }}
7 th {{ st.tr["White"] }}
8 th {{ st.tr["Black"] }}
9 th {{ st.tr["Cadence"] }}
10 th {{ st.tr["Result"] }}
11 tbody
12 tr(v-for="g in sortedGames" @click="$emit('show-game',g)"
13 :class="{'my-turn': g.myTurn}")
14 td(data-label="Variant") {{ g.vname }}
15 td(data-label="White") {{ g.players[0].name || "@nonymous" }}
16 td(data-label="Black") {{ g.players[1].name || "@nonymous" }}
17 td(data-label="Time control") {{ g.cadence }}
18 td(data-label="Result") {{ g.score }}
19 </template>
21 <script>
22 import { store } from "@/store";
24 export default {
25 name: "my-game-list",
26 props: ["games"],
27 data: function() {
28 return {
29 st: store.state,
30 };
31 },
32 computed: {
33 // TODO: also sort by g.created
34 sortedGames: function() {
35 // Show in order: games where it's my turn, my running games, my games, other games
36 let augmentedGames = this.games.map(g => {
37 let priority = 0;
38 if (g.players.some(p => p.uid == this.st.user.id || p.sid == this.st.user.sid))
39 {
40 priority++;
41 if (g.score == "*")
42 {
43 priority++;
44 const myColor = g.players[0].uid == this.st.user.id
45 || g.players[0].sid == this.st.user.sid
46 ? "w"
47 : "b";
48 // I play in this game, so g.fen will be defined
49 if (!!g.fen.match(" " + myColor + " "))
50 priority++;
51 }
52 }
53 return Object.assign({}, g, {priority: priority, myTurn: priority==3});
54 });
55 return augmentedGames.sort((g1,g2) => { return g2.priority - g1.priority; });
56 },
57 },
58 };
59 </script>
61 <style lang="sass" scoped>
62 // TODO: understand why the style applied to <tr> element doesn't work
63 tr.my-turn > td
64 background-color: #fcd785
65 </style>