From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2017 11:42:54 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: set-up tests

set-up tests

diff --git a/pkg/tests/testthat/test.computeFilaments.R b/pkg/tests/testthat/test.computeFilaments.R
index 9de6274..46f2e3f 100644
--- a/pkg/tests/testthat/test.computeFilaments.R
+++ b/pkg/tests/testthat/test.computeFilaments.R
@@ -1,36 +1,51 @@
-#TODO: toy dataset, check that indices returned are correct + colors
+context("Check that computeFilaments behaves as expected")
-context("Check that getParamsDirs behaves as expected")
-test_that("on input of sufficient size, beta is estimated accurately enough", {
-	n = 100000
-	d = 2
-	K = 2
-	Pr = c(0.5, 0.5)
-	betas_ref = array( c(1,0,0,1 , 1,-2,3,1), dim=c(2,2,2) )
-	for (i in 1:(dim(betas_ref)[3]))
+test_that("output is as expected on simulated series",
+	x = seq(0,10,0.1)
+	L = length(x)
+	s1 = cos(x)
+	s2 = sin(x)
+	s3 = c( s1[1:(L%/%2)] , s2[(L%/%2+1):L] )
+	#sum((s1-s2)^2) == 97.59381
+	#sum((s1-s3)^2) == 57.03051
+	#sum((s2-s3)^2) == 40.5633
+	s = list( s1, s2, s3 )
+	n = 150
+	series = list()
+	for (i in seq_len(n))
-		beta_ref = betas_ref[,,i]
-		#all parameters are supposed to be of norm 1: thus, normalize beta_ref
-		norm2 = sqrt(colSums(beta_ref^2))
-		beta_ref = beta_ref / norm2[col(beta_ref)]
-		io = generateSampleIO(n, d, K, Pr, beta_ref)
-		beta = getParamsDirs(io$X, io$Y, K)
-		betas = .labelSwitchingAlign(
-			array( c(beta_ref,beta), dim=c(d,K,2) ), compare_to="first", ls_mode="exact")
-		#Some traces: 0 is not well estimated, but others are OK
-		cat("\n\nReference parameter matrix:\n")
-		print(beta_ref)
-		cat("Estimated parameter matrix:\n")
-		print(betas[,,2])
-		cat("Difference norm (Matrix norm ||.||_1, max. abs. sum on a column)\n")
-		diff_norm = norm(beta_ref - betas[,,2])
-		cat(diff_norm,"\n")
-		#NOTE: 0.5 is loose threshold, but values around 0.3 are expected...
-		expect_that( diff_norm, is_less_than(0.5) )
+		index = (i%%3) + 1
+		level = mean(s[[index]])
+		serie = s[[index]] - level + rnorm(L,sd=0.05)
+		# 10 series with NAs for index 2
+		if (index == 2 && i >= 60 && i<= 90)
+			serie[sample(seq_len(L),1)] = NA
+		series[[i]] = list("level"=level,"serie"=serie) #no need for more
+	data = new("Data", data=series)
+	# index 142 : serie type 2
+	f2 = computeFilaments(data, 142, limit=60, plot=FALSE)
+	# Expected output: 22 series of type 3 (closer), then 50-2-10 series of type 2
+	#
+	#
+	#
+	#
+	#
+	#
+	# Simulate shift at origin when predict_at > 0
+	series[2:(n+1)] = series[1:n]
+	series[[1]] = list("level"=0, "serie"=s[[1]][1:(L%/%2)])
+	# index 143 : serie type 3
+	f3 = computeFilaments(data, 143, limit=70, plot=FALSE)
+	# Expected output: 22 series of type 2 (closer) then 50-2 series of type 3
+	# ATTENTION au shift
+	#
+	#
+	# index 144 : serie type 1
+	f1 = computeFilaments(data, 144, limit=50, plot=FALSE)
+	# Expected output: 2 series of type 3 (closer), then 50-2 series of type 1
+	#
+	expect_that( diff_norm, is_less_than(0.5) )
diff --git a/pkg/tests/testthat/test.dateIndexToInteger.R b/pkg/tests/testthat/test.dateIndexToInteger.R
index fb4c8e4..9786097 100644
--- a/pkg/tests/testthat/test.dateIndexToInteger.R
+++ b/pkg/tests/testthat/test.dateIndexToInteger.R
@@ -1,69 +1,26 @@
-context("Check that getParamsDirs behaves as expected")
+context("Check that dateIndexToInteger behaves as expected")
-test_that("on input of sufficient size, beta is estimated accurately enough", {
-	n = 100000
-	d = 2
-	K = 2
-	Pr = c(0.5, 0.5)
+test_that("integer index matches date in data",
-	betas_ref = array( c(1,0,0,1 , 1,-2,3,1), dim=c(2,2,2) )
-	for (i in 1:(dim(betas_ref)[3]))
-	{
-		beta_ref = betas_ref[,,i]
-		#all parameters are supposed to be of norm 1: thus, normalize beta_ref
-		norm2 = sqrt(colSums(beta_ref^2))
-		beta_ref = beta_ref / norm2[col(beta_ref)]
-		io = generateSampleIO(n, d, K, Pr, beta_ref)
-		beta = getParamsDirs(io$X, io$Y, K)
-		betas = .labelSwitchingAlign(
-			array( c(beta_ref,beta), dim=c(d,K,2) ), compare_to="first", ls_mode="exact")
-		#Some traces: 0 is not well estimated, but others are OK
-		cat("\n\nReference parameter matrix:\n")
-		print(beta_ref)
-		cat("Estimated parameter matrix:\n")
-		print(betas[,,2])
-		cat("Difference norm (Matrix norm ||.||_1, max. abs. sum on a column)\n")
-		diff_norm = norm(beta_ref - betas[,,2])
-		cat(diff_norm,"\n")
+#TODO: with and without shift at origin (so series values at least forst ones are required)
-		#NOTE: 0.5 is loose threshold, but values around 0.3 are expected...
-		expect_that( diff_norm, is_less_than(0.5) )
-	}
-dateIndexToInteger = function(index, data)
-	index = index[1]
-	if (is.numeric(index))
-		index = as.integer(index)
-	if (is.integer(index))
-		return (index)
-	if (inherits(index, "Date") || is.character(index))
+	n = 1500
+	series = list()
+	for (i in seq_len(n))
-		tryCatch(dt <- as.POSIXct(index), error=function(e) stop("Unrecognized index format"))
-		#TODO: tz arg to difftime ?
-		integerIndex <- round( (as.numeric( difftime(dt, data$getTime(1)) ))[1] ) + 1
-		if (integerIndex > 0 && integerIndex <= data$getSize())
-		{
-			#WARNING: if series start at date >0h, result must be shifted
-			date1 = as.POSIXlt(data$getTime(1)[1])
-			date2 = as.POSIXlt(data$getTime(2)[1])
-			shift = (date1$year==date2$year && date1$mon==date2$mon && date1$mday==date2$mday)
-			return (integerIndex + ifelse(shift,1,0))
-		}
-		stop("Date outside data range")
+		index = (i%%3) + 1
+		level = mean(s[[index]])
+		serie = s[[index]] - level + rnorm(L,sd=0.05)
+		# 10 series with NAs for index 2
+		if (index == 2 && i >= 60 && i<= 90)
+			serie[sample(seq_len(L),1)] = NA
+		series[[i]] = list("level"=level,"serie"=serie) #no need for more :: si : time !!!
-	stop("Unrecognized index format")
-#' @title integerIndexToDate
-#' @description Transform an integer index to date index (relative to data)
-#' @param index Date (or integer) index
-#' @param data Object of class \code{Data}
-#' @export
-integerIndexToDate = function(index, data)
+	data = new("Data", data=series)
+	dateIndexToInteger = function(index, data)
diff --git a/pkg/tests/testthat/test.integerIndexToDate.R b/pkg/tests/testthat/test.integerIndexToDate.R
index 5f0008f..31cd740 100644
--- a/pkg/tests/testthat/test.integerIndexToDate.R
+++ b/pkg/tests/testthat/test.integerIndexToDate.R
@@ -1,34 +1,22 @@
-context("Check that getParamsDirs behaves as expected")
+context("Check that integerIndexToDate behaves as expected")
-test_that("on input of sufficient size, beta is estimated accurately enough", {
-	n = 100000
-	d = 2
-	K = 2
-	Pr = c(0.5, 0.5)
+test_that("date matches index in data",
+	#TODO: with and without shift at origin (so series values at least forst ones are required)
-	betas_ref = array( c(1,0,0,1 , 1,-2,3,1), dim=c(2,2,2) )
-	for (i in 1:(dim(betas_ref)[3]))
+	n = 1500
+	series = list()
+	for (i in seq_len(n))
-		beta_ref = betas_ref[,,i]
-		#all parameters are supposed to be of norm 1: thus, normalize beta_ref
-		norm2 = sqrt(colSums(beta_ref^2))
-		beta_ref = beta_ref / norm2[col(beta_ref)]
-		io = generateSampleIO(n, d, K, Pr, beta_ref)
-		beta = getParamsDirs(io$X, io$Y, K)
-		betas = .labelSwitchingAlign(
-			array( c(beta_ref,beta), dim=c(d,K,2) ), compare_to="first", ls_mode="exact")
-		#Some traces: 0 is not well estimated, but others are OK
-		cat("\n\nReference parameter matrix:\n")
-		print(beta_ref)
-		cat("Estimated parameter matrix:\n")
-		print(betas[,,2])
-		cat("Difference norm (Matrix norm ||.||_1, max. abs. sum on a column)\n")
-		diff_norm = norm(beta_ref - betas[,,2])
-		cat(diff_norm,"\n")
-		#NOTE: 0.5 is loose threshold, but values around 0.3 are expected...
-		expect_that( diff_norm, is_less_than(0.5) )
+		index = (i%%3) + 1
+		level = mean(s[[index]])
+		serie = s[[index]] - level + rnorm(L,sd=0.05)
+		# 10 series with NAs for index 2
+		if (index == 2 && i >= 60 && i<= 90)
+			serie[sample(seq_len(L),1)] = NA
+		series[[i]] = list("level"=level,"serie"=serie) #no need for more :: si : time !!!
+	data = new("Data", data=series)
+	integerIndexToDate = function(index, data)