From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2018 02:06:27 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: First draft

First draft

diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31303f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- TODO: click : on image (show computer move on same image) + show network-matrix on the right (top-bottom, 5 per row) -->
+<div id="rpsls">
+	<input id="drawIsLost" type="checkbox" v-model="drawIsLost">
+	<label for="drawIsLost"> Draw count as loss ?</label>
+	<input id="nInput" type="number" v-model="nInput" @change="reinitialize()">
+	<label for="nInput">Number of inputs</label>
+	<input id="humanMove" type="number" v-model="humanMove" @change="play()">
+	<label for="humanMove">Move ?</label>
+	<input id="gameState" type="number" v-model="gameState" disabled>
+	<label for="gameState">Score of computer</label>
+<script src="">
+<script src="rpsls.js">
diff --git a/rpsls.js b/rpsls.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42c87b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpsls.js
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+const nChoice = 5,; //fixed for this game
+// Rewards matrix. Order: rock, lizard, Spock, scissors, paper
+const rewards = Array.from(Array(nChoice)).map( i => { //lines
+	return Array.from(Array(nChoice)).map( j => { //columns
+		// i against j: gain from i viewpoint
+		if (j == (i+1) % nChoice || j == (i+3) % nChoice)
+			return 1; //I win :)
+		else if ((i+1) % nChoice == j || j == (i+2) % nChoice)
+			return -1; //I lose :(
+		else
+			return 0;
+	});
+const symbols = [ "Rock", "Lizard", "Spock", "Scissors", "Paper" ];
+new Vue({
+	el: "#rpsls",
+	data: {
+		humanMove: -1, //integer in 0...nChoice-1
+		nInput: 5, //default
+		humanHistory: [ ], //your nInput last moves, stored (oldest first)
+		gameState: 0, //total points of the computer
+		drawIsLost: false, //normal (or true: draw is considered loss)
+		rewards: [ ], //initialized at first human move with new nInput
+		weights: [ ], //same as above
+	},
+	methods: {
+		// Called on nInput change
+		reinitialize: function() {
+			// weights[i][j][k]: output i -- input j/choice k
+			this.weights = Array.from(Array(nChoice)).map( i => {
+				return Array.from(Array(this.nInput)).map( j => {
+					return Array.from(Array(nChoice)).map( k => {
+						return 0;
+					});
+				})
+			});
+			if (this.humanHistory.length > this.nInput)
+				this.humanHistory.splice(this.nInput);
+		},
+		// Play a move given current data (*after* human move: trigger onChange)
+		play: function() {
+			let candidates = [ ];
+			Array.from(Array(nChoice)).forEach( i => {
+				// Sum all weights from an activated input to this output
+				let sumWeights = this.weights[i].reduce( (acc,input,j) => {
+					if (this.humanHistory.length <= j)
+						return 0;
+					return input[ this.humanHistory[j] ];
+				}, 0 );
+				let currentValue = {
+					val: sumWeights,
+					index: i
+				};
+				if (candidates.length == 0 || sumWeights > candidates[0].val)
+					candidates = [ currentValue ];
+				else if (sumWeights == candidates[0].val)
+					candidates.push(currentValue);
+			});
+			// Pick a choice at random in maxValue (total random for first move)
+			let randIdx = Math.floor((Math.random() * candidates.length) + 1);
+			this.updateGameState(candidates[randIdx]);
+		},
+		updateGameState: function(move) {
+			let reward = rewards[move.val][this.humanMove]; //viewpoint of computer
+			this.gameState += reward;
+			this.updateWeights(reward, move.index);
+		},
+		updateWeights: function(reward, index) {
+			let delta = Math.sign(reward);
+			if (this.drawIsLost && reward == 0)
+				delta = -1;
+			this.weights[index].forEach( (input,i) => {
+				if (i < this.humanHistory.length)
+					input[ this.humanHistory[i] ] += delta;
+			});
+			this.postUpdate();
+		},
+		// Finalize weights update
+		postUpdate: function() {
+			// Re-center the weights
+			let sumAllWeights = this.weights.reduce( (a,output) => {
+				return a + output.reduce( (b,input) => {
+					return b + input.reduce( (c,choiceWeight) => {
+						return c + choiceWeight;
+					}, 0);
+				}, 0);
+			}, 0);
+			let meanWeight = sumAllWeights / (this.nInput * nChoice * nChoice);
+			this.weights.forEach( output => {
+				output.forEach( input => {
+					for (let i=0; i<input.length; i++)
+						input[i] -= meanWeight;
+				});
+			});
+			// Update human moves history
+			this.humanHistory.push(coup_adversaire);
+			this.humanHistory.shift();
+		},
+  },