From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2019 23:15:37 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Work on main hall

Work on main hall

diff --git a/client/src/components/Game.vue b/client/src/components/Game.vue
index 3eb8f0c6..2a74a072 100644
--- a/client/src/components/Game.vue
+++ b/client/src/components/Game.vue
@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ export default {
         // TODO: also use (dis)connect info to count online players?
-        case "connect":
-        case "disconnect":
+        case "gameconnect":
+        case "gamedisconnect":
           if (this.mode=="human")
             const online = (data.code == "connect");
diff --git a/client/src/components/GameList.vue b/client/src/components/GameList.vue
index c7f661ca..bb97a742 100644
--- a/client/src/components/GameList.vue
+++ b/client/src/components/GameList.vue
@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
 <template lang="pug">
-    th(v-if="showVariant") Variant
+    th Variant
     th Players names
     th Cadence
     th(v-if="showResult") Result
+    th(v-else) Moves count
   tr(v-for="g in games" @click="$emit('show-game',g)")
-    td(v-if="showVariant") {{ g.vname }}
+    td {{ g.vname }}
       span(v-for="p in g.players") {{ }}
     td {{ g.mainTime }} + {{ g.increment }}
     td(v-if="showResult") {{ g.score }}
+    td(v-else) {{ g.movesCount }}
@@ -18,9 +20,6 @@ export default {
   name: "my-game-list",
 	props: ["games"],
 	computed: {
-		showVariant: function() {
-			return > 0 && !![0].vname;
-		},
 		showResult: function() {
 			return > 0 &&[0].score != "*";
diff --git a/client/src/data/challengeCheck.js b/client/src/data/challengeCheck.js
index 85d8571d..0a3a9917 100644
--- a/client/src/data/challengeCheck.js
+++ b/client/src/data/challengeCheck.js
@@ -1,16 +1,55 @@
-// 'vname' for 'variant name' is defined when run on client side
-function checkChallenge(c, vname)
+function timeUnitToSeconds(value, unit)
+  let seconds = value;
+  switch (unit)
+  {
+    case 'd':
+      seconds *= 24;
+    case 'h':
+      seconds *= 60;
+    case 'm':
+      seconds *= 60;
+  }
+  return seconds;
+function isLargerUnit(unit1, unit2)
+  return (unit1 == 'd' && unit2 != 'd')
+    || (unit1 == 'h' && ['s','m'].includes(unit2))
+    || (unit1 == 'm' && unit2 == 's');
+export function checkChallenge(c)
 	const vid = parseInt(c.vid);
 	if (isNaN(vid) || vid <= 0)
 		return "Please select a variant";
-	const mainTime = parseInt(c.mainTime);
-	const increment = parseInt(c.increment);
-	if (isNaN(mainTime) || mainTime <= 0)
+  const tcParts = c.timeControl.replace(/ /g,"").split('+');
+	const mainTime = tcParts[0].match(/([0-9]+)([smhd])/);
+  if (!mainTime)
+    return "Wrong time control";
+  const mainTimeValue = parseInt(mainTime[1]);
+  const mainTimeUnit = mainTime[2];
+	if (isNaN(mainTimeValue) || mainTimeValue <= 0)
 		return "Main time should be strictly positive";
-	if (isNaN(increment) || increment < 0)
-		return "Increment must be positive";
+  c.mainTime = timeUnitToSeconds(mainTimeValue, mainTimeUnit);
+  if (tcParts.length >= 2)
+  {
+    const increment = tcParts[1].match(/([0-9]+)([smhd])/);
+    if (!increment)
+      return "Wrong time control";
+    const incrementValue = parseInt(increment[1]);
+    const incrementUnit = increment[2];
+    if (isLargerUnit(incrementUnit, mainTimeUnit))
+      return "Increment unit cannot be larger than main unit";
+    if (isNaN(incrementValue) || incrementValue < 0)
+      return "Increment must be positive";
+    c.increment = timeUnitToSeconds(incrementValue, incrementUnit);
+  }
 	// Basic alphanumeric check for players names
 	let playerCount = 0;
@@ -18,6 +57,7 @@ function checkChallenge(c, vname)
 		if ( > 0)
+      // TODO: slightly redundant (see data/userCheck.js)
 			if (!^[\w]+$/))
 				return "Wrong characters in players names";
@@ -27,27 +67,12 @@ function checkChallenge(c, vname)
 	if (playerCount > 0 && playerCount != c.nbPlayers-1)
 		return "None, or all of the opponent names must be filled"
-	if (typeof document !== "undefined") //client side
-	{
-		const V = eval(vname + "Rules");
-		// Allow custom FEN (and check it) only for individual challenges
-		if (c.fen.length > 0 && playerCount > 0)
-		{
-			if (!V.IsGoodFen(c.fen))
-				return "Bad FEN string";
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// Generate a FEN
-			c.fen = V.GenRandInitFen();
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// Just characters check on server:
-		if (!c.fen.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9, /-]*$/))
-			return "Bad FEN string";
-	}
+  // Allow custom FEN (and check it) only for individual challenges
+  if (c.fen.length > 0 && playerCount > 0)
+  {
+    if (!V.IsGoodFen(c.fen))
+      return "Bad FEN string";
+  }
+  else //generate a FEN
+    c.fen = V.GenRandInitFen();
-try { module.exports = checkChallenge; } catch(e) { } //for server
diff --git a/client/src/data/userCheck.js b/client/src/data/userCheck.js
index 65ed1db8..4c714a68 100644
--- a/client/src/data/userCheck.js
+++ b/client/src/data/userCheck.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function checkNameEmail(o)
+export function checkNameEmail(o)
 	if (typeof === "string")
@@ -15,5 +15,3 @@ function checkNameEmail(o)
 			return "Bad characters in email";
-try { module.exports = checkNameEmail; } catch(e) { } //for server
diff --git a/client/src/utils/array.js b/client/src/utils/array.js
index 1b92e350..fae4ce91 100644
--- a/client/src/utils/array.js
+++ b/client/src/utils/array.js
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
 // Remove item(s) in array (if present)
 export const ArrayFun =
-  remove: function(array, rfun, all)
+  remove: function(arr, rfun, all)
-    const index = array.findIndex(rfun);
+    const index = arr.findIndex(rfun);
     if (index >= 0)
-      array.splice(index, 1);
+      arr.splice(index, 1);
       if (!!all)
         // Reverse loop because of the splice below
-        for (let i=array.length-1; i>=index; i--)
+        for (let i=arr.length-1; i>=index; i--)
-          if (rfun(array[i]))
-            array.splice(i, 1);
+          if (rfun(arr[i]))
+            arr.splice(i, 1);
diff --git a/client/src/views/Hall.vue b/client/src/views/Hall.vue
index ca0caa26..ae5e7830 100644
--- a/client/src/views/Hall.vue
+++ b/client/src/views/Hall.vue
@@ -1,59 +1,58 @@
 <template lang="pug">
   div(role="dialog" aria-labelledby="titleFenedit")
         label(for="selectVariant") {{["Variant"] }}
-        select#selectVariant(v-model="newgameInfo.vid")
+        select#selectVariant(v-model="newchallenge.vid")
           option(v-for="v in st.variants" :value="") {{ }}
         label(for="selectNbPlayers") {{["Number of players"] }}
-        select#selectNbPlayers(v-model="newgameInfo.nbPlayers")
+        select#selectNbPlayers(v-model="newchallenge.nbPlayers")
           option(v-show="possibleNbplayers(2)" value="2") 2
           option(v-show="possibleNbplayers(3)" value="3") 3
           option(v-show="possibleNbplayers(4)" value="4") 4
-        label(for="timeControl") Time control (in days)
-        #timeControl
-          input(type="number" v-model="newgameInfo.mainTime"
-            placeholder="Main time")
-          input(type="number" v-model="newgameInfo.increment"
-            placeholder="Increment")
+        label(for="timeControl") Time control (e.g. 3m, 1h+30s, 7d+1d)
+        input#timeControl(type="text" v-model="newchallenge.timeControl"
+          placeholder="Time control")
-        label(for="selectPlayers") {{["Play with?"] }}
+        label(for="selectPlayers") {{["Play with? (optional)"] }}
-          input(type="text" v-model="newgameInfo.players[0].name")
-          input(v-show="newgameInfo.nbPlayers>=3" type="text"
-            v-model="newgameInfo.players[1].name")
-          input(v-show="newgameInfo.nbPlayers==4" type="text"
-            v-model="newgameInfo.players[2].name")
+          input(type="text" v-model="newchallenge.players[0].name")
+          input(v-show="newchallenge.nbPlayers>=3" type="text"
+            v-model="newchallenge.players[1].name")
+          input(v-show="newchallenge.nbPlayers==4" type="text"
+            v-model="newchallenge.players[2].name")
-        label(for="inputFen")
-          | {{["FEN (ignored if players fields are blank)"] }}
-        input#inputFen(type="text" v-model="newgameInfo.fen")
-      button(@click="newGame") Launch game
-      p TODO: cadence, adversaire (pre-filled if click on name)
-      p cadence 2m+12s ou 7d+1d (m,s ou d,d) --> main, increment
-      p Note: leave FEN blank for random; FEN only for targeted challenge
-  div
-    ChallengeList(:challenges="challenges" @click-challenge="clickChallenge")
-    div(style="border:1px solid black")
-      h3 Online players
-      div(v-for="p in players" @click="challenge(p)") {{ }}
-  button(onClick="doClick('modalNewgame')") New game
-  div
-    .button-group
-      button(@click="gdisplay='live'") Live games
-      button(@click="gdisplay='corr'") Correspondance games
-    GameList(v-show="gdisplay=='live'" :games="liveGames"
-      @show-game="showGame")
-    GameList(v-show="gdisplay=='corr'" :games="corrGames"
-      @show-game="showGame")
+        label(for="inputFen") {{["FEN (optional)"] }}
+        input#inputFen(type="text" v-model="newchallenge.fen")
+      button(@click="newChallenge") Send challenge
+  .row
+    .col-sm-12.col-md-5.col-md-offset-1.col-lg-4.col-lg-offset-2
+      ChallengeList(:challenges="challenges" @click-challenge="clickChallenge")
+    .col-sm-12.col-md-5.col-lg-4
+      #players
+        h3 Online players
+        div(v-for="p in players" @click="challenge(p)") {{ }}
+  .row
+    .col-sm-12.col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.col-lg-8.col-lg-offset-2
+      button(onClick="doClick('modalNewgame')") New game
+  .row
+    .col-sm-12.col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.col-lg-8.col-lg-offset-2
+      .button-group
+        button(@click="gdisplay='live'") Live games
+        button(@click="gdisplay='corr'") Correspondance games
+      GameList(v-show="gdisplay=='live'" :games="liveGames"
+        @show-game="showGame")
+      GameList(v-show="gdisplay=='corr'" :games="corrGames"
+        @show-game="showGame")
+// TODO: blank time control == untimed
 // main playing hall: online players + current challenges + button "new game"
 // TODO: si on est en train de jouer une partie, le notifier aux nouveaux connectés
@@ -64,8 +63,29 @@ fin de partie corr: supprimer partie du serveur au bout de 7 jours (arbitraire)
 // TODO: au moins l'échange des coups en P2P ? et game chat ?
 // TODO: objet game, objet challenge ? et player ?
+ * Possible events:
+ *  - send new challenge (corr or live, cf. time control), with button or click on player
+ *  - accept challenge (corr or live) --> send info to all concerned players
+ *  - cancel challenge (click on sent challenge) --> send info to all concerned players
+ *  - withdraw from challenge (if >= 3 players and previously accepted)
+ *    --> send info to all concerned players
+ *  - prepare and start new game (if challenge is full after acceptation)
+ *    Also send to all connected players (only from me)
+ *  - receive "player connect": send all our current challenges (to him or global)
+ *    Also send all our games (live - max 1 - and corr) [in web worker ?]
+ *    + all our sent challenges.
+ *  - receive "playergames": list of games by some connected player (NO corr)
+ *  - receive "playerchallenges": list of challenges (sent) by some online player (NO corr)
+ *  - receive "player disconnect": remove from players list
+ *  - receive "accept/withdraw/cancel challenge": apply action to challenges list
+ *  - receive "new game": if live, store locally + redirect to game
+ *    If corr: notify "new game has started", give link, but do not redirect
 import { store } from "@/store";
 import { NbPlayers } from "@/data/nbPlayers";
+import { checkChallenge } from "@/data/challengeCheck";
+import { ArrayFun } from "@/utils/array";
 import GameList from "@/components/GameList.vue";
 import ChallengeList from "@/components/ChallengeList.vue";
 export default {
@@ -83,67 +103,76 @@ export default {
       players: [], //online players
       challenges: [], //live challenges
       willPlay: [], //IDs of challenges in which I decide to play (>= 3 players)
-      newgameInfo: {
+      newchallenge: {
         fen: "",
         vid: 0,
         nbPlayers: 0,
+        // TODO: distinguer uid et sid !
         players: [{id:0,name:""},{id:0,name:""},{id:0,name:""}],
-        mainTime: 0,
-        increment: 0,
+        timeControl: "",
   watch: {
     "st.conn": function() {
-      // TODO: ask server for current corr games (all but mines: names, ID, time control)
-      const socketMessageListener = msg => {
-        const data = JSON.parse(;
-        switch (data.code)
-        {
-          case "newgame":
-            // TODO: new game just started: data contain all informations
-            // (id, players, time control, fenStart ...)
-            break;
-          // TODO: also receive live games summaries (update)
-          // (just players names, time control, and ID + player ID)
-          case "acceptchallenge":
-            // oppid: opponent socket ID (or DB id if registered)
-            if (true) //TODO: if challenge is full
-              this.newGame(data.challenge, data.user); // et
-            break;
-          case "withdrawchallenge":
-            // TODO
-            break;
-          case "cancelchallenge":
-            // TODO
-            break;
-          // TODO: distinguish these (dis)connect events from their analogs in game.js
-          case "connect":
-            this.players.push({, id:data.uid});
-            break;
-          case "disconnect":
-            const pIdx = this.players.findIndex(p => == data.uid);
-            this.players.splice(pIdx);
-            break;
-        }
-      };
-      const socketCloseListener = () => {
-'message', socketMessageListener);
-'close', socketCloseListener);
-      };
- = socketMessageListener;
- = socketCloseListener;
+ = this.socketMessageListener;
+ = this.socketCloseListener;
+  created: function() {
+    // TODO: ask server for current corr games (all but mines: names, ID, time control)
+    if (!!
+    {
+ = this.socketMessageListener;
+ = this.socketCloseListener;
+    }
+  },
   methods: {
+    socketMessageListener: function(msg) {
+      const data = JSON.parse(;
+      switch (data.code)
+      {
+        case "newgame":
+          // TODO: new game just started: data contain all informations
+          // (id, players, time control, fenStart ...)
+          break;
+        // TODO: also receive live games summaries (update)
+        // (just players names, time control, and ID + player ID)
+        case "acceptchallenge":
+          if (true) //TODO: if challenge is full
+            this.newGame(data.challenge, data.user); // et
+          break;
+        case "withdrawchallenge":
+          const cIdx = this.challenges.findIndex(c => == data.cid);
+          let chall = this.challenges[cIdx]
+          ArrayFun.remove(chall.players, p => == data.uid);
+          chall.players.push({id:0, name:""});
+          break;
+        case "cancelchallenge":
+          ArrayFun.remove(this.challenges, c => == data.cid);
+          break;
+        case "hallconnect":
+          this.players.push({, id:data.uid});
+          break;
+        case "halldisconnect":
+          ArrayFun.remove(this.players, p => == data.uid);
+          break;
+      }
+    },
+    socketCloseListener: function() {
+'message', socketMessageListener);
+'close', socketCloseListener);
+    },
+    clickPlayer: function() {
+      //this.newgameInfo.players[0].name =;
+      //show modal;
+    },
     showGame: function(game) {
       // NOTE: if we are an observer, the game will be found in main games list
       // (sent by connected remote players)
       this.$router.push("/" +
     challenge: function(player) {
-        user:{,}}));
     clickChallenge: function(challenge) {
       const index = this.challenges.findIndex(c => ==;
@@ -169,76 +198,84 @@ export default {
       // TODO: accepter un challenge peut lancer une partie, il
       // faut alors supprimer challenge + creer partie + la retourner et l'ajouter ici
-      // autres actions:
-      // supprime mon défi
-      // accepte un défi
-      // annule l'acceptation d'un défi (si >= 3 joueurs)
-      //
       // si pas le mien et FEN speciale :: (charger code variante et)
       // montrer diagramme + couleur (orienté)
     // user: last person to accept the challenge
-    newGameLive: function(chall, user) {
+    newGame: function(chall, user) {
       const fen = chall.fen || V.GenRandInitFen();
       const game = {}; //TODO: fen, players, time ...
       //setStorage(game); //TODO
-      game.players.forEach(p => {
+      game.players.forEach(p => { //...even if game is by corr (could be played live, why not...)
           JSON.stringify({code:"newgame",, game:game}));
       if (this.settings.sound >= 1)
         new Audio("/sounds/newgame.mp3").play().catch(err => {});
-    newGame: function() {
-      const afterRulesAreLoaded = () => {
-        // NOTE: side-effect = set FEN
-        // TODO: (to avoid any cheating option) separate the GenRandInitFen() functions
-        // in separate files, load on server and generate FEN on server.
-        const error = checkChallenge(this.newgameInfo, vname);
-        if (!!error)
-          return alert(error);
+    newChallenge: async function() {
+      const idxInVariants =
+ => == this.newchallenge.vid);
+      const vname = variants[idxInVariants].name;
+      const vModule = await import("@/variants/" + vname + ".js");
+      window.V = vModule.VariantRules;
+      // NOTE: side-effect = set FEN, and mainTime + increment in seconds
+      // TODO: (to limit cheating options) separate the GenRandInitFen() functions
+      // in separate files, load on server and generate FEN on server.
+      const error = checkChallenge(this.newchallenge);
+      if (!!error)
+        return alert(error);
+      // TODO: 40 = average number of moves ?
+      if (this.newchallenge.mainTime + 40 * this.newchallenge.increment
+        >= 3*24*60*60) //3 days (TODO: heuristic...)
+      {
+        // Correspondance game:
         // Possible (server) error if filled player does not exist
-          "/challenges/" + this.newgameInfo.vid,
+          "/challenges/" + this.newchallenge.vid,
-          this.newgameInfo,
+          this.newchallenge,
           response => {
             const chall = Object.assign({},
-              this.newgameInfo,
+              this.newchallenge,
                 id: response.cid,
-                uid:,
+                uid:,
                 vname: vname,
+            document.getElementById("modalNewgame").checked = false;
-        // TODO: else, if live game: send infos (socket), and...
-      };
-      const idxInVariants =
-        variantArray.findIndex(v => == this.newgameInfo.vid);
-      const vname = variantArray[idxInVariants].name;
-      const scriptId = vname + "RulesScript";
-      if (!document.getElementById(scriptId))
-      {
-        // Load variant rules (only once)
-        var script = document.createElement("script");
- = scriptId;
-        script.onload = afterRulesAreLoaded;
-        //script.addEventListener ("load", afterRulesAreLoaded, false);
-        script.src = "/javascripts/variants/" + vname + ".js";
-        document.body.appendChild(script);
-        afterRulesAreLoaded();
+      {
+        // Considered live game
+        if (this.newchallenges.players[0].id > 0)
+        {
+          // Challenge with target players
+          this.newchallenges.players.forEach(p => {
+  {
+              code: "sendchallenge",
+              oppid:,
+              user: {,}
+            }));
+          });
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          // Open challenge: send to all connected players
+          // TODO
+        }
+      }
     possibleNbplayers: function(nbp) {
-      if (this.newgameInfo.vid == 0)
+      if (this.newchallenge.vid == 0)
         return false;
       const variants =;
       const idxInVariants =
-        variants.findIndex(v => == this.newgameInfo.vid);
+        variants.findIndex(v => == this.newchallenge.vid);
       return NbPlayers[variants[idxInVariants].name].includes(nbp);