From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2017 20:52:55 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: advance on tests

advance on tests

diff --git a/pkg/R/getData.R b/pkg/R/getData.R
index 153a660..205ee5d 100644
--- a/pkg/R/getData.R
+++ b/pkg/R/getData.R
@@ -26,10 +26,13 @@ getData = function(ts_data, exo_data, input_tz="GMT", date_format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%
 		stop("Bad timezone (see ?timezone)")
 	input_tz = input_tz[1]
 	working_tz = working_tz[1]
-	if (! && !is.character(ts_data))
-		stop("Bad time-series input (data frame or CSV file)")
+	if ( (! && !is.character(ts_data)) ||
+			(! && !is.character(exo_data)) )
+		stop("Bad time-series / exogenous input (data [frame] or CSV file)")
 	if (is.character(ts_data))
 		ts_data = ts_data[1]
+	if (is.character(exo_data))
+		exo_data = exo_data[1]
 	predict_at = as.integer(predict_at)[1]
 	if (predict_at<0 || predict_at>23)
 		stop("Bad predict_at (0-23)")
@@ -39,7 +42,19 @@ getData = function(ts_data, exo_data, input_tz="GMT", date_format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%
 	ts_df =
 		if (is.character(ts_data)) {
-			read.csv(ts_data)
+			if (ts_data %in% data(package="talweg")$results[,"Item"])
+				ts_data = 
+					############CONTINUE:
+					read.csv(ts_data)
 		} else {
diff --git a/pkg/tests/testthat/test.Forecaster.R b/pkg/tests/testthat/test.Forecaster.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b20f104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tests/testthat/test.Forecaster.R
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+context("Check that forecasters behave as expected")
+test_that("Average+Zero method behave as expected",
+test_that("Persistence+Zero method behave as expected",
+test_that("Neighbors+Zero method behave as expected",
+test_that("Neighbors+Neighbors method behave as expected",
+#TODO: with and without shift at origin (so series values at least forst ones are required)
+	n = 1500
+	series = list()
+	for (i in seq_len(n))
+	{
+		index = (i%%3) + 1
+		level = mean(s[[index]])
+		serie = s[[index]] - level + rnorm(L,sd=0.05)
+		# 10 series with NAs for index 2
+		if (index == 2 && i >= 60 && i<= 90)
+			serie[sample(seq_len(L),1)] = NA
+		series[[i]] = list("level"=level,"serie"=serie) #no need for more :: si : time !!!
+	}
+	data = new("Data", data=series)
+	dateIndexToInteger = function(index, data)
diff --git a/pkg/tests/testthat/test.computeFilaments.R b/pkg/tests/testthat/test.computeFilaments.R
index 46f2e3f..e8f8752 100644
--- a/pkg/tests/testthat/test.computeFilaments.R
+++ b/pkg/tests/testthat/test.computeFilaments.R
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 context("Check that computeFilaments behaves as expected")
-test_that("output is as expected on simulated series",
+getDataTest = function(n, shift)
 	x = seq(0,10,0.1)
 	L = length(x)
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ test_that("output is as expected on simulated series",
 	#sum((s1-s3)^2) == 57.03051
 	#sum((s2-s3)^2) == 40.5633
 	s = list( s1, s2, s3 )
-	n = 150
 	series = list()
 	for (i in seq_len(n))
@@ -23,29 +22,82 @@ test_that("output is as expected on simulated series",
 			serie[sample(seq_len(L),1)] = NA
 		series[[i]] = list("level"=level,"serie"=serie) #no need for more
-	data = new("Data", data=series)
+	if (shift)
+	{
+		# Simulate shift at origin when predict_at > 0
+		series[2:(n+1)] = series[1:n]
+		series[[1]] = list("level"=0, "serie"=s[[1]][1:(L%/%2)])
+	}
+	new("Data", data=series)
+test_that("output is as expected on simulated series",
+	data = getDataTest(150, FALSE)
 	# index 142 : serie type 2
-	f2 = computeFilaments(data, 142, limit=60, plot=FALSE)
+	f = computeFilaments(data, 142, limit=60, plot=FALSE)
 	# Expected output: 22 series of type 3 (closer), then 50-2-10 series of type 2
-	#
-	#
-	#
-	#
-	#
-	#
-	# Simulate shift at origin when predict_at > 0
-	series[2:(n+1)] = series[1:n]
-	series[[1]] = list("level"=0, "serie"=s[[1]][1:(L%/%2)])
+	expect_identical(length(f$indices), 60)
+	expect_identical(length(f$colors), 60)
+	for (i in 1:22)
+	{
+		expect_identical((f$indices[i] %% 3) + 1, 3)
+		expect_match(f2$colors[i], f$colors[1])
+	}
+	for (i in 23:60)
+	{
+		expect_identical((f$indices[i] %% 3) + 1, 2)
+		expect_match(f2$colors[i], f$colors[23])
+	}
+	expect_match(colors[1], "...")
+	expect_match(colors[23], "...")
+test_that("output is as expected on simulated series",
+	data = getDataTest(150, TRUE)
 	# index 143 : serie type 3
-	f3 = computeFilaments(data, 143, limit=70, plot=FALSE)
+	f = computeFilaments(data, 143, limit=70, plot=FALSE)
 	# Expected output: 22 series of type 2 (closer) then 50-2 series of type 3
-	# ATTENTION au shift
-	#
-	#
+	expect_identical(length(f$indices), 70)
+	expect_identical(length(f$colors), 70)
+	for (i in 1:22)
+	{
+		# -1 because of the initial shift
+		expect_identical(( (f$indices[i]-1) %% 3 ) + 1, 2)
+		expect_match(f$colors[i], f$colors[1])
+	}
+	for (i in 23:70)
+	{
+		expect_identical(( (f$indices[i]-1) %% 3 ) + 1, 3)
+		expect_match(f$colors[i], f$colors[23])
+	}
+	expect_match(colors[1], "...")
+	expect_match(colors[23], "...")
+test_that("output is as expected on simulated series",
+	data = getDataTest(150, TRUE)
 	# index 144 : serie type 1
-	f1 = computeFilaments(data, 144, limit=50, plot=FALSE)
+	f = computeFilaments(data, 144, limit=50, plot=FALSE)
 	# Expected output: 2 series of type 3 (closer), then 50-2 series of type 1
-	#
-	expect_that( diff_norm, is_less_than(0.5) )
+	expect_identical(length(f$indices), 50)
+	expect_identical(length(f$colors), 50)
+	for (i in 1:2)
+	{
+		# -1 because of the initial shift
+		expect_identical(( (f$indices[i]-1) %% 3 ) + 1, 3)
+		expect_match(f$colors[i], f$colors[1])
+	}
+	for (i in 3:50)
+	{
+		expect_identical(( (f$indices[i]-1) %% 3 ) + 1, 1)
+		expect_match(f$colors[i], f$colors[3])
+	}
+	expect_match(colors[1], "...")
+	expect_match(colors[3], "...")
diff --git a/pkg/tests/testthat/test.dateIndexToInteger.R b/pkg/tests/testthat/test.dateIndexToInteger.R
index 9786097..7f09847 100644
--- a/pkg/tests/testthat/test.dateIndexToInteger.R
+++ b/pkg/tests/testthat/test.dateIndexToInteger.R
@@ -1,26 +1,33 @@
 context("Check that dateIndexToInteger behaves as expected")
-test_that("integer index matches date in data",
+getDataTest = function(n, shift)
-#TODO: with and without shift at origin (so series values at least forst ones are required)
 	n = 1500
 	series = list()
+	s = rep(0, 24)
 	for (i in seq_len(n))
-		index = (i%%3) + 1
-		level = mean(s[[index]])
-		serie = s[[index]] - level + rnorm(L,sd=0.05)
+		level = i %% 3mean(s[[index]])
+		serie = s
 		# 10 series with NAs for index 2
 		if (index == 2 && i >= 60 && i<= 90)
 			serie[sample(seq_len(L),1)] = NA
-		series[[i]] = list("level"=level,"serie"=serie) #no need for more :: si : time !!!
+		series[[i]] = list("level"=i%%3, "serie"=s, "time"=)
 	data = new("Data", data=series)
+test_that("integer index matches date in data, predict_at == 0",
+	data = getData(
 	dateIndexToInteger = function(index, data)
+test_that("integer index matches date in data, predict_at > 0",
+	####TODO: CSV as raw data in inst/extdata