From 24340cae41e916d91088cc6988d8838b342a9c42 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2019 23:01:08 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Reactivate game component, think about web(pack) worker

 client/src/App.vue              |   4 +
 client/src/components/Board.vue |   3 +-
 client/src/components/Game.vue  | 930 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 client/src/playCompMove.js      |  10 +-
 client/src/views/Rules.vue      |  13 +-
 5 files changed, 486 insertions(+), 474 deletions(-)

diff --git a/client/src/App.vue b/client/src/App.vue
index 4ebc6e71..59b0371a 100644
--- a/client/src/App.vue
+++ b/client/src/App.vue
@@ -63,6 +63,10 @@ export default {
       st: store.state,
+//    // TODO: $route: ...
+//    gameRef: function() {
+//      this.loadGame();
+//    },
diff --git a/client/src/components/Board.vue b/client/src/components/Board.vue
index b7dac640..51632312 100644
--- a/client/src/components/Board.vue
+++ b/client/src/components/Board.vue
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 // This can work for squared boards (2 or 4 players), with some adaptations (TODO)
 // TODO: for 3 players, write a "board3.js"
 export default {
@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ export default {
-      }), choices]
+      })
     let elementArray = [choices, gameDiv];
     if (!!this.vr.reserve)
diff --git a/client/src/components/Game.vue b/client/src/components/Game.vue
index 2ae451f0..73c37695 100644
--- a/client/src/components/Game.vue
+++ b/client/src/components/Game.vue
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
         h3#eogMessage.section {{ endgameMessage }}
-      Chat(v-if="showChat" :opponents="opponents" :people="people")
+      //Chat(:opponents="opponents" :people="people")
       Board(:vr="vr" :last-move="lastMove" :mode="mode" :user-color="mycolor"
         :orientation="orientation" @play-move="play")
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
           button#downloadBtn(@click="download") {{["Download PGN"] }}
           button Import game
-      MoveList(v-if="showMoves"
+      //MoveList(v-if="showMoves"
         :moves="moves" :cursor="cursor" @goto-move="gotoMove")
@@ -43,8 +43,9 @@
 //      ==> il manque un param dans game : "remoteId"
 // TODO: import store, st
 import Board from "@/components/Board.vue";
-import Chat from "@/components/Chat.vue";
-import MoveList from "@/components/MoveList.vue";
+//import Chat from "@/components/Chat.vue";
+//import MoveList from "@/components/MoveList.vue";
+import { store } from "@/store";
 export default {
   name: 'my-game',
   // gameId: to find the game in storage (assumption: it exists)
@@ -52,10 +53,10 @@ export default {
   // subMode: "auto" (game comp vs comp) or "corr" (correspondance game),
   // or "examine" (after human game: TODO)
   // gameRef in URL hash (listen for changes)
-  props: ["fen","mode","subMode"],
+  props: ["gidOrFen","mode","subMode","variant"],
   data: function() {
     return {
-      gameRef: "",
+      st: store.state,
       // Web worker to play computer moves without freezing interface:
       compWorker: new Worker('/javascripts/playCompMove.js'),
       timeStart: undefined, //time when computer starts thinking
@@ -63,476 +64,471 @@ export default {
       endgameMessage: "",
       orientation: "w",
       lockCompThink: false, //to avoid some ghost moves
-      myname:, //may be anonymous (thus no name)
+      myname:, //may be anonymous (thus no name)
       opponents: {}, //filled later (potentially 2 or 3 opponents)
       drawOfferSent: false, //did I just ask for draw?
-      people: {}, //observers
+      people: [], //observers
       score: "*", //'*' means 'unfinished'
       // userColor: given by gameId, or fen in problems mode (if no game Id)...
       mycolor: "w",
       fenStart: "",
-      moves: [], //TODO: initialize if gameId is defined...
+      moves: [], //all moves played in current game
       cursor: -1, //index of the move just played
       lastMove: null,
-//  watch: {
-//    fen: function() {
-//      // (Security) No effect if a computer move is in progress:
-//      if (this.mode == "computer" && this.lockCompThink)
-//        return this.$emit("computer-think");
-//      this.newGameFromFen();
-//    },
-////    // TODO: $route: ...
-////    gameRef: function() {
-////      this.loadGame();
-////    },
-//  },
-//  computed: {
-//    showChat: function() {
-//      return this.mode=='human' && this.score != '*';
-//    },
-//    showMoves: function() {
-//      return true;
-//      //return window.innerWidth >= 768;
-//    },
-//    showFen: function() {
-//      return != "Dark" || this.score != "*";
-//    },
-//  },
-//  // Modal end of game, and then sub-components
-//  created: function() {
-//    if (!!this.gameRef)
-//      this.loadGame();
-//    else if (!!this.fen)
-//    {
-//      this.vr = new V(this.fen);
-//      this.fenStart = this.fen;
-//    }
-//    // TODO: if I'm one of the players in game, then:
-//    // Send ping to server (answer pong if opponent is connected)
-//    if (true && !!this.conn && !!this.gameRef)
-//    {
-//      this.conn.onopen = () => {
-//        this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({
-//          code:"ping",oppid:this.oppid,}));
-//      };
-//    }
-//    // TODO: also handle "draw accepted" (use opponents array?)
-//    // --> must give this info also when sending lastState...
-//    // and, if all players agree then OK draw (end game ...etc)
-//    const socketMessageListener = msg => {
-//      const data = JSON.parse(;
-//      let L = undefined;
-//      switch (data.code)
-//      {
-//        case "newmove": //..he played!
-//,!="Dark" ? "animate" : null);
-//          break;
-//        case "pong": //received if we sent a ping (game still alive on our side)
-//          if ( != data.gameId)
-//            break; //games IDs don't match: definitely over...
-//          this.oppConnected = true;
-//          // Send our "last state" informations to opponent(s)
-//          L = this.vr.moves.length;
-//          Object.keys(this.opponents).forEach(oid => {
-//            this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({
-//              code: "lastate",
-//              oppid: oid,
-//              gameId:,
-//              lastMove: (L>0?this.vr.moves[L-1]:undefined),
-//              movesCount: L,
-//            }));
-//          });
-//          break;
-//        // TODO: refactor this, because at 3 or 4 players we may have missed 2 or 3 moves (not just one)
-//        case "lastate": //got opponent infos about last move
-//          L = this.vr.moves.length;
-//          if ( != data.gameId)
-//            break; //games IDs don't match: nothing we can do...
-//          // OK, opponent still in game (which might be over)
-//          if (this.score != "*")
-//          {
-//            // We finished the game (any result possible)
-//            this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({
-//              code: "lastate",
-//              oppid: data.oppid,
-//              gameId:,
-//              score: this.score,
-//            }));
-//          }
-//          else if (!!data.score) //opponent finished the game
-//            this.endGame(data.score);
-//          else if (data.movesCount < L)
-//          {
-//            // We must tell last move to opponent
-//            this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({
-//              code: "lastate",
-//              oppid:,
-//              gameId:,
-//              lastMove: this.vr.moves[L-1],
-//              movesCount: L,
-//            }));
-//          }
-//          else if (data.movesCount > L) //just got last move from him
-//  , "animate");
-//          break;
-//        case "resign": // won!
-//          this.endGame(this.mycolor=="w"?"1-0":"0-1");
-//          break;
-//        // TODO: also use (dis)connect info to count online players?
-//        case "connect":
-//        case "disconnect":
-//          if (this.mode=="human")
-//          {
-//            const online = (data.code == "connect");
-//            // If this is an opponent ?
-//            if (!!this.opponents[])
-//              this.opponents[].online = online;
-//            else
-//            {
-//              // Or an observer ?
-//              if (!online)
-//                delete this.people[];
-//              else
-//                this.people[] =;
-//            }
-//          }
-//          break;
-//      }
-//    };
-//    const socketCloseListener = () => {
-//      this.conn.addEventListener('message', socketMessageListener);
-//      this.conn.addEventListener('close', socketCloseListener);
-//    };
-//    if (!!this.conn)
-//    {
-//      this.conn.onmessage = socketMessageListener;
-//      this.conn.onclose = socketCloseListener;
-//    }
-//    // Computer moves web worker logic: (TODO: also for observers in HH games ?)
-//    this.compWorker.postMessage(["scripts",]);
-//    this.compWorker.onmessage = e => {
-//      this.lockCompThink = true; //to avoid some ghost moves
-//      let compMove =;
-//      if (!Array.isArray(compMove))
-//        compMove = [compMove]; //to deal with MarseilleRules
-//      // Small delay for the bot to appear "more human"
-//      const delay = Math.max(500-(, 0);
-//      setTimeout(() => {
-//        const animate = != "Dark";
-//[0], animate);
-//        if (compMove.length == 2)
-//          setTimeout( () => {[1], animate); }, 750);
-//        else //250 == length of animation (TODO: should be a constant somewhere)
-//          setTimeout( () => this.lockCompThink = false, 250);
-//      }, delay);
-//    }
-//  },
-//  // dans variant.js (plutôt room.js) conn gère aussi les challenges
-//  // et les chats dans chat.js. Puis en webRTC, repenser tout ça.
-//  methods: {
-//    offerDraw: function() {
-//      if (!confirm("Offer draw?"))
-//        return;
-//      // Stay in "draw offer sent" state until next move is played
-//      this.drawOfferSent = true;
-//      if (this.subMode == "corr")
-//      {
-//        // TODO: set drawOffer on in game (how ?)
-//      }
-//      else //live game
-//      {
-//        this.opponents.forEach(o => {
-//          if (!!
-//          {
-//            try {
-//              this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code: "draw", oppid:}));
-//            } catch (INVALID_STATE_ERR) {
-//              return;
-//            }
-//          }
-//        });
-//      }
-//    },
-//    // + conn handling: "draw" message ==> agree for draw (if we have "drawOffered" at true)
-//    receiveDrawOffer: function() {
-//      //if (...)
-//      // TODO: ignore if preventDrawOffer is set; otherwise show modal box with option "prevent future offers"
-//      // if accept: send message "draw"
-//    },
-//    abortGame: function() {
-//      if (!confirm("Abort the game?"))
-//        return;
-//      //+ bouton "abort" avec score == "?" + demander confirmation pour toutes ces actions,
-//      //send message: "gameOver" avec score "?"
-//    },
-//    resign: function(e) {
-//      if (!confirm("Resign the game?"))
-//        return;
-//      if (this.mode == "human" && this.oppConnected(this.oppid))
-//      {
-//        try {
-//          this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code: "resign", oppid: this.oppid}));
-//        } catch (INVALID_STATE_ERR) {
-//          return;
-//        }
-//      }
-//      this.endGame(this.mycolor=="w"?"0-1":"1-0");
-//    },
-//    translate: translate,
-//    newGameFromFen: function() {
-//      this.vr = new V(this.fen);
-//      this.moves = [];
-//      this.cursor = -1;
-//      this.fenStart = this.fen;
-//      this.score = "*";
-//      if (this.mode == "analyze")
-//      {
-//        this.mycolor = V.ParseFen(this.fen).turn;
-//        this.orientation = this.mycolor;
-//      }
-//      else if (this.mode == "computer") //only other alternative (HH with gameId)
-//      {
-//        this.mycolor = (Math.random() < 0.5 ? "w" : "b");
-//        this.orientation = this.mycolor;
-//        this.compWorker.postMessage(["init",this.fen]);
-//        if (this.mycolor != "w" || this.subMode == "auto")
-//          this.playComputerMove();
-//      }
-//    },
-//    loadGame: function() {
-//      // TODO: ask game to remote peer if this.remoteId is set
-//      // (or just if game not found locally)
-//      // NOTE: if it's a corr game, ask it from server
-//      const game = getGameFromStorage(, this.gameRef.uid); //uid may be blank
-// = game.oppid; //opponent ID in case of running HH game
-// = game.oppname; //maye be blank (if anonymous)
-//      this.score = game.score;
-//      this.mycolor = game.mycolor;
-//      this.fenStart = game.fenStart;
-//      this.moves = game.moves;
-//      this.cursor = game.moves.length-1;
-//      this.lastMove = (game.moves.length > 0 ? game.moves[this.cursor] : null);
-//    },
-//    setEndgameMessage: function(score) {
-//      let eogMessage = "Undefined";
-//      switch (score)
-//      {
-//        case "1-0":
-//          eogMessage = translations["White win"];
-//          break;
-//        case "0-1":
-//          eogMessage = translations["Black win"];
-//          break;
-//        case "1/2":
-//          eogMessage = translations["Draw"];
-//          break;
-//        case "?":
-//          eogMessage = "Unfinished";
-//          break;
-//      }
-//      this.endgameMessage = eogMessage;
-//    },
-//    download: function() {
-//      const content = this.getPgn();
-//      // Prepare and trigger download link
-//      let downloadAnchor = document.getElementById("download");
-//      downloadAnchor.setAttribute("download", "game.pgn");
-//      downloadAnchor.href = "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(content);
-//    },
-//    getPgn: function() {
-//      let pgn = "";
-//      pgn += '[Site ""]\n';
-//      const opponent = (this.mode=="human" ? "Anonymous" : "Computer");
-//      pgn += '[Variant "' + + '"]\n';
-//      pgn += '[Date "' + getDate(new Date()) + '"]\n';
-//      const whiteName = ["human","computer"].includes(this.mode)
-//        ? (this.mycolor=='w'?'Myself':opponent)
-//        : "analyze";
-//      const blackName = ["human","computer"].includes(this.mode)
-//        ? (this.mycolor=='b'?'Myself':opponent)
-//        : "analyze";
-//      pgn += '[White "' + whiteName + '"]\n';
-//      pgn += '[Black "' + blackName + '"]\n';
-//      pgn += '[Fen "' + this.fenStart + '"]\n';
-//      pgn += '[Result "' + this.score + '"]\n\n';
-//      let counter = 1;
-//      let i = 0;
-//      while (i < this.moves.length)
-//      {
-//        pgn += (counter++) + ".";
-//        for (let color of ["w","b"])
-//        {
-//          let move = "";
-//          while (i < this.moves.length && this.moves[i].color == color)
-//            move += this.moves[i++].notation[0] + ",";
-//          move = move.slice(0,-1); //remove last comma
-//          pgn += move + (i < this.moves.length-1 ? " " : "");
-//        }
-//      }
-//      return pgn + "\n";
-//    },
-//    showScoreMsg: function(score) {
-//      this.setEndgameMessage(score);
-//      let modalBox = document.getElementById("modal-eog");
-//      modalBox.checked = true;
-//      setTimeout(() => { modalBox.checked = false; }, 2000);
-//    },
-//    endGame: function(score) {
-//      this.score = score;
-//      this.showScoreMsg(score);
-//      if (this.mode == "human")
-//        localStorage["score"] = score;
-//      this.$emit("game-over");
-//    },
-//    oppConnected: function(uid) {
-//      return this.opponents.any(o => == uidi &&;
-//    },
-//    playComputerMove: function() {
-//      this.timeStart =;
-//      this.compWorker.postMessage(["askmove"]);
-//    },
-//    animateMove: function(move) {
-//      let startSquare = document.getElementById(getSquareId(move.start));
-//      let endSquare = document.getElementById(getSquareId(move.end));
-//      let rectStart = startSquare.getBoundingClientRect();
-//      let rectEnd = endSquare.getBoundingClientRect();
-//      let translation = {x:rectEnd.x-rectStart.x, y:rectEnd.y-rectStart.y};
-//      let movingPiece =
-//        document.querySelector("#" + getSquareId(move.start) + " > img.piece");
-//      // HACK for animation (with positive translate, image slides "under background")
-//      // Possible improvement: just alter squares on the piece's way...
-//      squares = document.getElementsByClassName("board");
-//      for (let i=0; i<squares.length; i++)
-//      {
-//        let square = squares.item(i);
-//        if ( != getSquareId(move.start))
-// = "-1";
-//      }
-// = "translate(" + translation.x + "px," +
-//        translation.y + "px)";
-// = "0.2s";
-// = "3000";
-//      setTimeout( () => {
-//        for (let i=0; i<squares.length; i++)
-//          squares.item(i).style.zIndex = "auto";
-// = {}; //required e.g. for 0-0 with KR swap
-//      }, 250);
-//    },
-//    play: function(move, programmatic) {
-//      let navigate = !move;
-//      // Forbid playing outside analyze mode when cursor isn't at moves.length-1
-//      // (except if we receive opponent's move, human or computer)
-//      if (!navigate && this.mode != "analyze" && !programmatic
-//        && this.cursor < this.moves.length-1)
-//      {
-//        return;
-//      }
-//      if (navigate)
-//      {
-//        if (this.cursor == this.moves.length-1)
-//          return; //no more moves
-//        move = this.moves[this.cursor+1];
-//      }
-//      if (!!programmatic) //computer or (remote) human opponent
-//      {
-//        if (this.cursor < this.moves.length-1)
-//          this.gotoEnd(); //required to play the move
-//        return this.animateMove(move);
-//      }
-//      // Not programmatic, or animation is over
-//      if (this.mode == "human" && this.subMode == "corr" && this.mycolor == this.vr.turn)
-//      {
-//        // TODO: show confirm box "validate move ?"
-//      }
-//      if (!move.notation)
-//        move.notation = this.vr.getNotation(move);
-//      if (!move.color)
-//        move.color = this.vr.turn;
-//      this.cursor++;
-//      this.lastMove = move;
-//      if (!move.fen)
-//        move.fen = this.vr.getFen();
-//      if (this.settings.sound == 2)
-//        new Audio("/sounds/move.mp3").play().catch(err => {});
-//      if (this.mode == "human")
-//      {
-//        updateStorage(move); //after our moves and opponent moves
-//        if (this.vr.turn == this.mycolor)
-//          this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code:"newmove", move:move, oppid:this.oppid}));
-//      }
-//      else if (this.mode == "computer")
-//      {
-//        // Send the move to web worker (including his own moves)
-//        this.compWorker.postMessage(["newmove",move]);
-//      }
-//      if (!navigate && (this.score == "*" || this.mode == "analyze"))
-//      {
-//        // Stack move on movesList at current cursor
-//        if (this.cursor == this.moves.length)
-//          this.moves.push(move);
-//        else
-//          this.moves = this.moves.slice(0,this.cursor).concat([move]);
-//      }
-//      // Is opponent in check?
-//      this.incheck = this.vr.getCheckSquares(this.vr.turn);
-//      const score = this.vr.getCurrentScore();
-//      if (score != "*")
-//      {
-//        if (["human","computer"].includes(this.mode))
-//          this.endGame(score);
-//        else //just show score on screen (allow undo)
-//          this.showScoreMsg(score);
-//      }
-//      // subTurn condition for Marseille (and Avalanche) rules
-//      else if ((this.mode == "computer" && (!this.vr.subTurn || this.vr.subTurn <= 1))
-//        && (this.subMode == "auto" || this.vr.turn != this.mycolor))
-//      {
-//        this.playComputerMove();
-//      }
-//      // (also for undo)
-//      if (navigate)
-//        this.$children[0].$forceUpdate(); //TODO!?
-//    },
-//    undo: function(move) {
-//      let navigate = !move;
-//      if (navigate)
-//      {
-//        if (this.cursor < 0)
-//          return; //no more moves
-//        move = this.moves[this.cursor];
-//      }
-//      this.vr.undo(move);
-//      this.cursor--;
-//      this.lastMove = (this.cursor >= 0 ? this.moves[this.cursor] : undefined);
-//      if (this.settings.sound == 2)
-//        new Audio("/sounds/undo.mp3").play().catch(err => {});
-//      this.incheck = this.vr.getCheckSquares(this.vr.turn);
-//      if (navigate)
-//        this.$children[0].$forceUpdate(); //TODO!?
-//      else if (this.mode == "analyze") //TODO: can this happen?
-//        this.moves.pop();
-//    },
-//    gotoMove: function(index) {
-//      this.vr = new V(this.moves[index].fen);
-//      this.cursor = index;
-//      this.lastMove = this.moves[index];
-//    },
-//    gotoBegin: function() {
-//      this.vr = new V(this.fenStart);
-//      this.cursor = -1;
-//      this.lastMove = null;
-//    },
-//    gotoEnd: function() {
-//      this.gotoMove(this.moves.length-1);
-//    },
-//    flip: function() {
-//      this.orientation = V.GetNextCol(this.orientation);
-//    },
-//  },
+  watch: {
+    gidOrFen: function() {
+      // (Security) No effect if a computer move is in progress:
+      if (this.mode == "computer" && this.lockCompThink)
+        return this.$emit("computer-think");
+      this.launchGame();
+    },
+  },
+  computed: {
+    showMoves: function() {
+      return true;
+      //return window.innerWidth >= 768;
+    },
+    showFen: function() {
+      return != "Dark" || this.score != "*";
+    },
+  },
+  // Modal end of game, and then sub-components
+  created: function() {
+    if (!!this.gidOrFen)
+      this.launchGame();
+    // TODO: if I'm one of the players in game, then:
+    // Send ping to server (answer pong if opponent[s] is connected)
+    if (true && !!this.conn && !!this.gameRef)
+    {
+      this.conn.onopen = () => {
+        this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({
+          code:"ping",oppid:this.oppid,}));
+      };
+    }
+    // TODO: also handle "draw accepted" (use opponents array?)
+    // --> must give this info also when sending lastState...
+    // and, if all players agree then OK draw (end game ...etc)
+    const socketMessageListener = msg => {
+      const data = JSON.parse(;
+      let L = undefined;
+      switch (data.code)
+      {
+        case "newmove": //..he played!
+,!="Dark" ? "animate" : null);
+          break;
+        case "pong": //received if we sent a ping (game still alive on our side)
+          if ( != data.gameId)
+            break; //games IDs don't match: definitely over...
+          this.oppConnected = true;
+          // Send our "last state" informations to opponent(s)
+          L = this.vr.moves.length;
+          Object.keys(this.opponents).forEach(oid => {
+            this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({
+              code: "lastate",
+              oppid: oid,
+              gameId:,
+              lastMove: (L>0?this.vr.moves[L-1]:undefined),
+              movesCount: L,
+            }));
+          });
+          break;
+        // TODO: refactor this, because at 3 or 4 players we may have missed 2 or 3 moves (not just one)
+        case "lastate": //got opponent infos about last move
+          L = this.vr.moves.length;
+          if ( != data.gameId)
+            break; //games IDs don't match: nothing we can do...
+          // OK, opponent still in game (which might be over)
+          if (this.score != "*")
+          {
+            // We finished the game (any result possible)
+            this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({
+              code: "lastate",
+              oppid: data.oppid,
+              gameId:,
+              score: this.score,
+            }));
+          }
+          else if (!!data.score) //opponent finished the game
+            this.endGame(data.score);
+          else if (data.movesCount < L)
+          {
+            // We must tell last move to opponent
+            this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({
+              code: "lastate",
+              oppid:,
+              gameId:,
+              lastMove: this.vr.moves[L-1],
+              movesCount: L,
+            }));
+          }
+          else if (data.movesCount > L) //just got last move from him
+  , "animate");
+          break;
+        case "resign": // won!
+          this.endGame(this.mycolor=="w"?"1-0":"0-1");
+          break;
+        // TODO: also use (dis)connect info to count online players?
+        case "connect":
+        case "disconnect":
+          if (this.mode=="human")
+          {
+            const online = (data.code == "connect");
+            // If this is an opponent ?
+            if (!!this.opponents[])
+              this.opponents[].online = online;
+            else
+            {
+              // Or an observer ?
+              if (!online)
+                delete this.people[];
+              else
+                this.people[] =;
+            }
+          }
+          break;
+      }
+    };
+    const socketCloseListener = () => {
+      this.conn.addEventListener('message', socketMessageListener);
+      this.conn.addEventListener('close', socketCloseListener);
+    };
+    if (!!this.conn)
+    {
+      this.conn.onmessage = socketMessageListener;
+      this.conn.onclose = socketCloseListener;
+    }
+    // Computer moves web worker logic: (TODO: also for observers in HH games ?)
+    this.compWorker.postMessage(["scripts",]);
+    this.compWorker.onmessage = e => {
+      this.lockCompThink = true; //to avoid some ghost moves
+      let compMove =;
+      if (!Array.isArray(compMove))
+        compMove = [compMove]; //to deal with MarseilleRules
+      // Small delay for the bot to appear "more human"
+      const delay = Math.max(500-(, 0);
+      setTimeout(() => {
+        const animate = != "Dark";
+[0], animate);
+        if (compMove.length == 2)
+          setTimeout( () => {[1], animate); }, 750);
+        else //250 == length of animation (TODO: should be a constant somewhere)
+          setTimeout( () => this.lockCompThink = false, 250);
+      }, delay);
+    }
+  },
+  // dans variant.js (plutôt room.js) conn gère aussi les challenges
+  // et les chats dans chat.js. Puis en webRTC, repenser tout ça.
+  methods: {
+    offerDraw: function() {
+      if (!confirm("Offer draw?"))
+        return;
+      // Stay in "draw offer sent" state until next move is played
+      this.drawOfferSent = true;
+      if (this.subMode == "corr")
+      {
+        // TODO: set drawOffer on in game (how ?)
+      }
+      else //live game
+      {
+        this.opponents.forEach(o => {
+          if (!!
+          {
+            try {
+              this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code: "draw", oppid:}));
+            } catch (INVALID_STATE_ERR) {
+              return;
+            }
+          }
+        });
+      }
+    },
+    // + conn handling: "draw" message ==> agree for draw (if we have "drawOffered" at true)
+    receiveDrawOffer: function() {
+      //if (...)
+      // TODO: ignore if preventDrawOffer is set; otherwise show modal box with option "prevent future offers"
+      // if accept: send message "draw"
+    },
+    abortGame: function() {
+      if (!confirm("Abort the game?"))
+        return;
+      //+ bouton "abort" avec score == "?" + demander confirmation pour toutes ces actions,
+      //send message: "gameOver" avec score "?"
+    },
+    resign: function(e) {
+      if (!confirm("Resign the game?"))
+        return;
+      if (this.mode == "human" && this.oppConnected(this.oppid))
+      {
+        try {
+          this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code: "resign", oppid: this.oppid}));
+        } catch (INVALID_STATE_ERR) {
+          return;
+        }
+      }
+      this.endGame(this.mycolor=="w"?"0-1":"1-0");
+    },
+    launchGame: async function() {
+      const vModule = await import("@/variants/" + + ".js");
+      window.V = tModule.VariantRules;
+      if (this.gidOrFen.indexOf('/') >= 0)
+        this.newGameFromFen(this.gidOrFen);
+      else
+        this.loadGame(this.gidOrFen);
+    },
+    newGameFromFen: function(fen) {
+      this.vr = new V(fen);
+      this.moves = [];
+      this.cursor = -1;
+      this.fenStart = fen;
+      this.score = "*";
+      if (this.mode == "analyze")
+      {
+        this.mycolor = V.ParseFen(fen).turn;
+        this.orientation = this.mycolor;
+      }
+      else if (this.mode == "computer") //only other alternative (HH with gameId)
+      {
+        this.mycolor = (Math.random() < 0.5 ? "w" : "b");
+        this.orientation = this.mycolor;
+        this.compWorker.postMessage(["init",fen]);
+        if (this.mycolor != "w" || this.subMode == "auto")
+          this.playComputerMove();
+      }
+    },
+    loadGame: function(gid) {
+      // TODO: ask game to remote peer if this.remoteId is set
+      // (or just if game not found locally)
+      // NOTE: if it's a corr game, ask it from server
+      const game = getGameFromStorage(gid); //, this.gameRef.uid); //uid may be blank
+ = game.oppid; //opponent ID in case of running HH game
+ = game.oppname; //maye be blank (if anonymous)
+      this.score = game.score;
+      this.mycolor = game.mycolor;
+      this.fenStart = game.fenStart;
+      this.moves = game.moves;
+      this.cursor = game.moves.length-1;
+      this.lastMove = (game.moves.length > 0 ? game.moves[this.cursor] : null);
+    },
+    setEndgameMessage: function(score) {
+      let eogMessage = "Undefined";
+      switch (score)
+      {
+        case "1-0":
+          eogMessage = translations["White win"];
+          break;
+        case "0-1":
+          eogMessage = translations["Black win"];
+          break;
+        case "1/2":
+          eogMessage = translations["Draw"];
+          break;
+        case "?":
+          eogMessage = "Unfinished";
+          break;
+      }
+      this.endgameMessage = eogMessage;
+    },
+    download: function() {
+      const content = this.getPgn();
+      // Prepare and trigger download link
+      let downloadAnchor = document.getElementById("download");
+      downloadAnchor.setAttribute("download", "game.pgn");
+      downloadAnchor.href = "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(content);
+    },
+    getPgn: function() {
+      let pgn = "";
+      pgn += '[Site ""]\n';
+      const opponent = (this.mode=="human" ? "Anonymous" : "Computer");
+      pgn += '[Variant "' + + '"]\n';
+      pgn += '[Date "' + getDate(new Date()) + '"]\n';
+      const whiteName = ["human","computer"].includes(this.mode)
+        ? (this.mycolor=='w'?'Myself':opponent)
+        : "analyze";
+      const blackName = ["human","computer"].includes(this.mode)
+        ? (this.mycolor=='b'?'Myself':opponent)
+        : "analyze";
+      pgn += '[White "' + whiteName + '"]\n';
+      pgn += '[Black "' + blackName + '"]\n';
+      pgn += '[Fen "' + this.fenStart + '"]\n';
+      pgn += '[Result "' + this.score + '"]\n\n';
+      let counter = 1;
+      let i = 0;
+      while (i < this.moves.length)
+      {
+        pgn += (counter++) + ".";
+        for (let color of ["w","b"])
+        {
+          let move = "";
+          while (i < this.moves.length && this.moves[i].color == color)
+            move += this.moves[i++].notation[0] + ",";
+          move = move.slice(0,-1); //remove last comma
+          pgn += move + (i < this.moves.length-1 ? " " : "");
+        }
+      }
+      return pgn + "\n";
+    },
+    showScoreMsg: function(score) {
+      this.setEndgameMessage(score);
+      let modalBox = document.getElementById("modal-eog");
+      modalBox.checked = true;
+      setTimeout(() => { modalBox.checked = false; }, 2000);
+    },
+    endGame: function(score) {
+      this.score = score;
+      this.showScoreMsg(score);
+      if (this.mode == "human")
+        localStorage["score"] = score;
+      this.$emit("game-over");
+    },
+    oppConnected: function(uid) {
+      return this.opponents.any(o => == uidi &&;
+    },
+    playComputerMove: function() {
+      this.timeStart =;
+      this.compWorker.postMessage(["askmove"]);
+    },
+    animateMove: function(move) {
+      let startSquare = document.getElementById(getSquareId(move.start));
+      let endSquare = document.getElementById(getSquareId(move.end));
+      let rectStart = startSquare.getBoundingClientRect();
+      let rectEnd = endSquare.getBoundingClientRect();
+      let translation = {x:rectEnd.x-rectStart.x, y:rectEnd.y-rectStart.y};
+      let movingPiece =
+        document.querySelector("#" + getSquareId(move.start) + " > img.piece");
+      // HACK for animation (with positive translate, image slides "under background")
+      // Possible improvement: just alter squares on the piece's way...
+      squares = document.getElementsByClassName("board");
+      for (let i=0; i<squares.length; i++)
+      {
+        let square = squares.item(i);
+        if ( != getSquareId(move.start))
+ = "-1";
+      }
+ = "translate(" + translation.x + "px," +
+        translation.y + "px)";
+ = "0.2s";
+ = "3000";
+      setTimeout( () => {
+        for (let i=0; i<squares.length; i++)
+          squares.item(i).style.zIndex = "auto";
+ = {}; //required e.g. for 0-0 with KR swap
+      }, 250);
+    },
+    play: function(move, programmatic) {
+      let navigate = !move;
+      // Forbid playing outside analyze mode when cursor isn't at moves.length-1
+      // (except if we receive opponent's move, human or computer)
+      if (!navigate && this.mode != "analyze" && !programmatic
+        && this.cursor < this.moves.length-1)
+      {
+        return;
+      }
+      if (navigate)
+      {
+        if (this.cursor == this.moves.length-1)
+          return; //no more moves
+        move = this.moves[this.cursor+1];
+      }
+      if (!!programmatic) //computer or (remote) human opponent
+      {
+        if (this.cursor < this.moves.length-1)
+          this.gotoEnd(); //required to play the move
+        return this.animateMove(move);
+      }
+      // Not programmatic, or animation is over
+      if (this.mode == "human" && this.subMode == "corr" && this.mycolor == this.vr.turn)
+      {
+        // TODO: show confirm box "validate move ?"
+      }
+      if (!move.notation)
+        move.notation = this.vr.getNotation(move);
+      if (!move.color)
+        move.color = this.vr.turn;
+      this.cursor++;
+      this.lastMove = move;
+      if (!move.fen)
+        move.fen = this.vr.getFen();
+      if (this.settings.sound == 2)
+        new Audio("/sounds/move.mp3").play().catch(err => {});
+      if (this.mode == "human")
+      {
+        updateStorage(move); //after our moves and opponent moves
+        if (this.vr.turn == this.mycolor)
+          this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code:"newmove", move:move, oppid:this.oppid}));
+      }
+      else if (this.mode == "computer")
+      {
+        // Send the move to web worker (including his own moves)
+        this.compWorker.postMessage(["newmove",move]);
+      }
+      if (!navigate && (this.score == "*" || this.mode == "analyze"))
+      {
+        // Stack move on movesList at current cursor
+        if (this.cursor == this.moves.length)
+          this.moves.push(move);
+        else
+          this.moves = this.moves.slice(0,this.cursor).concat([move]);
+      }
+      // Is opponent in check?
+      this.incheck = this.vr.getCheckSquares(this.vr.turn);
+      const score = this.vr.getCurrentScore();
+      if (score != "*")
+      {
+        if (["human","computer"].includes(this.mode))
+          this.endGame(score);
+        else //just show score on screen (allow undo)
+          this.showScoreMsg(score);
+      }
+      // subTurn condition for Marseille (and Avalanche) rules
+      else if ((this.mode == "computer" && (!this.vr.subTurn || this.vr.subTurn <= 1))
+        && (this.subMode == "auto" || this.vr.turn != this.mycolor))
+      {
+        this.playComputerMove();
+      }
+      // (also for undo)
+      if (navigate)
+        this.$children[0].$forceUpdate(); //TODO!?
+    },
+    undo: function(move) {
+      let navigate = !move;
+      if (navigate)
+      {
+        if (this.cursor < 0)
+          return; //no more moves
+        move = this.moves[this.cursor];
+      }
+      this.vr.undo(move);
+      this.cursor--;
+      this.lastMove = (this.cursor >= 0 ? this.moves[this.cursor] : undefined);
+      if (this.settings.sound == 2)
+        new Audio("/sounds/undo.mp3").play().catch(err => {});
+      this.incheck = this.vr.getCheckSquares(this.vr.turn);
+      if (navigate)
+        this.$children[0].$forceUpdate(); //TODO!?
+      else if (this.mode == "analyze") //TODO: can this happen?
+        this.moves.pop();
+    },
+    gotoMove: function(index) {
+      this.vr = new V(this.moves[index].fen);
+      this.cursor = index;
+      this.lastMove = this.moves[index];
+    },
+    gotoBegin: function() {
+      this.vr = new V(this.fenStart);
+      this.cursor = -1;
+      this.lastMove = null;
+    },
+    gotoEnd: function() {
+      this.gotoMove(this.moves.length-1);
+    },
+    flip: function() {
+      this.orientation = V.GetNextCol(this.orientation);
+    },
+  },
diff --git a/client/src/playCompMove.js b/client/src/playCompMove.js
index d6b0cea9..f58f9987 100644
--- a/client/src/playCompMove.js
+++ b/client/src/playCompMove.js
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+// TODO:
 // For asynchronous computer move search
 onmessage = function(e)
@@ -5,10 +7,10 @@ onmessage = function(e)
 		case "scripts":
-				'/javascripts/base_rules.js',
-				'/javascripts/utils/array.js',
-				'/javascripts/variants/' +[1] + '.js');
-			self.V = eval([1] + "Rules");
+				'@/base_rules.js',
+				'@/utils/array.js',
+				'@/variants/' +[1] + '.js');
+			self.V = eval("VariantRules");
 		case "init":
 			const fen =[1];
diff --git a/client/src/views/Rules.vue b/client/src/views/Rules.vue
index 2cfd3318..1702b509 100644
--- a/client/src/views/Rules.vue
+++ b/client/src/views/Rules.vue
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
       button(v-show="gameInProgress" @click="stopGame")
         | Stop game
     div(v-show="display=='rules'" v-html="content" class="section-content")
-    Game(v-show="display=='computer'" :mycolor="mycolor" :fen="fen"
-      :mode="mode" :sub-mode="subMode"
+    Game(v-show="display=='computer'" :mycolor="mycolor" :gid-or-fen="fen"
+      :mode="mode" :sub-mode="subMode" :variant="variant"
       @computer-think="gameInProgress=false" @game-over="stopGame")
@@ -20,9 +20,13 @@ import Game from "@/components/Game.vue";
 import { store } from "@/store";
 export default {
   name: 'my-rules',
+  components: {
+    Game,
+  },
   data: function() {
     return {
       st: store.state,
+      variant: null,
       content: "",
       display: "rules",
       mode: "computer",
@@ -32,6 +36,11 @@ export default {
       fen: "",
+  created: function() {
+    const vname = this.$route.params["vname"];
+    const idxOfVar = => == vname);
+    this.variant =[idxOfVar];
+  },
   mounted: function() {
     // Method to replace diagrams in loaded HTML
     const replaceByDiag = (match, p1, p2) => {