4 #Testing procedure for EMGLLF (inside this folder):
6 #0) Install current version of the package
7 # Should be library(roxygen2);roxygenize('.'), but roxygen2 6.0.1 bug
8 # ==> temporary workaround with devtools + document()
9 echo "setwd('../pkg');library(devtools);document()" | R
12 #1) Generate data using R versions of EMGLLF/EMGrank (slow, but trusted)
13 cd generate_test_data
14 echo "source('generateRunSaveTest_EMGLLF.R');\
15 # I'm happy with default values - feel free to give args\
16 generateRunSaveTest_EMGLLF() "\
20 #2) Compile test C code
21 # Next line compile the test into an executable named "test.EMGLLF"
25 # Fingers crossed, hoping everything is alright
27 # Ask valgrind (generally better idea ;) )
28 #valgrind ./test.EMGLLF
30 #For EMGrank: same procedure, just change EMGLLF to EMGrank everwhere.